Pluralism Flashcards
What is Exclusivism?
Only one religion is true and only members of it can be saved.
What does John 14:6 suggest about salvation?
Only through faith in Jesus can a person be saved.
What is the implication of Pluralism in relation to Jesus?
It suggests Jesus is only ‘a truth’, not ‘the’ truth.
How do Inclusivists interpret Jesus’ phrase ‘through me’?
They suggest it could mean anyone who is a good person can be saved.
What is Augustine’s version of exclusivism known as?
Limited election.
What does original sin imply for humanity’s ability to achieve salvation?
All humans have an irresistible temptation to sin, making them undeserving of heaven.
What is the role of God’s grace in Augustine’s exclusivism?
Only some limited ‘elect’ Christians will be granted grace.
What argument did Pelagius present against original sin?
It is unfair to condemn people for the actions of their ancestors.
What does Inclusivism propose about members of other religions?
They could be saved despite not being Christians.
What did Rahner propose for Christians who have never heard of Jesus?
God works through other religions to try and save them.
What term did Rahner use to describe non-Christians who respond well to God’s revelation?
Anonymous Christians.
What is Universal access exclusivism?
Proposes that those who never heard of Jesus could still accept him after death.
What is Hick’s stance on Hell?
An all-loving God could never send anyone to Hell.
What is Hick’s view on universalism?
Only universalism, the view that all people go to heaven, is justified.
What does Hume argue about punishment and justice?
Punishment must be proportionate to the crime.
What is Pluralism’s main assertion about religions?
All religions are equally true and equal paths to salvation.
What caused Hick to change his mind about exclusivism?
Living in multicultural Birmingham and witnessing different religions.
What ancient parable did Hick reference to support Pluralism?
The parable of blind men touching different parts of an elephant.
What does Hick claim about different religions and divine reality?
They are different interpretations of the one true divine reality.
What is Hume’s counterargument to Pluralism?
All religions cannot be true since they make contradictory truth claims.
How does Hick respond to the contradiction of religions?
Theological details are part of the ‘conceptual lens’ projected onto reality.