DCT Flashcards
What is Exclusivism?
Christianity is the one true religion and it is only through Christianity that one can be saved.
What does Inclusivism propose?
Christianity is the one true religion but it is possible for non-Christians to be saved through other religions.
Define Pluralism.
All religions are equally true and equal paths to salvation.
What is the Biblical basis for Exclusivism?
John 14:6: Jesus said ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’
What does John 3:18 support?
It explicitly states belief in Jesus as a requirement for salvation.
How does the historical context of ancient Judaism define ‘believe’?
It meant more than mere intellectual assent; it also meant to obey.
What does the parable of the sheep and the goats suggest?
Salvation is based on good actions, not merely on believing the right things.
How did Luther reconcile faith and works?
He argued that good works are a symptom of faith.
What is Augustine’s view on grace and election?
Grace is what saves humans and election refers to God’s choosing to grant grace.
What does double predestination mean?
Heaven is predestined for some and hell for others.
What was Pelagius’s argument against predestination?
It makes punishment unjust, as it blames all humanity for Adam’s actions.
What is Augustine’s stance on original sin?
We are so corrupted by it that we cannot achieve salvation without God’s grace.
What did Karl Rahner believe about other religions?
Other religions contain valid natural theology and can save their adherents.
What is the concept of anonymous Christians according to Rahner?
Those who respond to God’s revelation in their own religions without awareness.
What is Hick’s position on universalism?
An all-loving God would never send anyone to hell.