Plumbing Final Flashcards
The waste for the most common tank type W.C. is roughed in at _______.
305 mm (12”) from finished wall
What is the minimum size building sewer clean out to an 8 inch building sewer?
Must be a manhole
The two main ways to identify a siphon jet wall hung bowl from a blow out wall hung bowl are?
- Height of rough in
- Number of supporting bolts
What is the size of the branch on the food display sink?
1 1/4”
When wet venting a bath tub through a lavatory with a 1 ¼“ trap, the diameter of the vertical wet vented portion according to the code book shall be _______.
1 1/2”
All 2 1/2” and smaller waste pipes should have cleanouts spaced not more than _______.
50 feet (15m)
A floor drain can be protected from back flow by _______.
- a gate valve
- a screw cap
The minimum distance between two shower heads is _______.
750 mm (30”)
To be wet vented, fixtures must be _______.
on the same floor or separate floors
A relief vent is most closely related to a _______.
vent stack
Relief vents are commonly used in connection with waste branches that are _______.
circuit vented
What are the heat sources for a Combi Oven?
Steam and electric
A maximum of how many F.U.’s may waste into a vent stack?
Not more than how many showers can be served by one drain?
Where a soil or waste stack receives the discharge from fixtures located on 11 stories or less, _______.
A yoke vent is not required, a vent stack is
An additional circuit vent is required when _______.
more than 8 fixtures are installed in the circuit vented branch between the relief vent and circuit vent
One fixture that can be directly or indirectly connected is _______.
Drinking fountain
Minimum size of an air break for an indirect waste is _______.
The washing machine standpipe is required to be installed to _______.
prevent the machine from Gravity draining
Which does not require a vent?
A) lavatory trap
B) trap forming part of an indirect drainage system
C) trap on a subsoil drainage system
D) either b or c
D) either b or c
On a flat roof, the vents should extend above the roof flashing ring by at least _______.
150 mm (6”)
A trap on a building sewer serving a mobile home would mean that this is _______.
or was an uncertified mobile home with few or no traps
The washdown ventilation hood is discharging warm grease into this grease trap at a rate of 0.36 L/S, what is that in fixture units?
The water supply used to flush holding tanks at a trailer dumping station would have a _______.
A) portable water sign
B) Non-Potable water sign
C) backflow preventer
D) both b and c
C) both b and c
A water jacketed grease trap is prohibited because of _______.
CCC possibility
A storm drain connected to a combined sewer requires a trap if _______.
The roof is used for a sun deck
Combined drains or sewers are always sized by _______.
converting f.u.’s to liters and using the proper table
A trap is required for a sub-soil drainage pipe if _______.
it drains into a sanitary sewer
The waste extension on a chair carrier is adjustable by _______.
Adjust for different wall thickness measurements
A drum trap may be permitted to be installed in a drainage system if the trap is used as _______.
an interceptor
The minimum developed length of a trap arm, not including an unvented floor drain is _______.
2 pipe diameters
The minimum size wet vent serving only a water closet and a basin is _______.
What is the minimum size building sewer (in inches) that connects to a public sewer?
The flow from a pump or semi-continuous appliance into a storm drainage system is taken as _______.
1 L/S - 900 L
On a combined sewer, the fixture unit rating is expressed in equivalent (liters) on roof area, therefore a total hydraulic load of 239 F.U. equals _______.
2360 L
If a flat roof was 11m in length and 20m wide, with an adjacent wall of 14m in length and 9m high what size R.W.L. (in inches) is required? (20mm in 15minutes)
On a wall hung water closet, the distance from the face of the wall to the bowl is set by _______.
Back up nuts and washers
A roof drain that is connected to a vertical leader must be provided with what type of fitting a max of 5 foot between the hopper and leader?
An expansion joint
The food prep sink used to have a bi-transit waste, now they are illegal, what is its replacement name?
non concealed standing waste
Every grease interceptor that serves as a trap must have a water seal of at least _______.
1 1/2” (40mm)
The vent on a sun deck must terminate how high above the sun deck?
2.0 m
Nominal pipe sizes refer to pipe sizes _______.
⅛” to 12”
What is the rough-in height of this handicapped lavatory drain?
521 mm
The minimum allowable pressure test on a water distribution system is _______.
700 kPa (100 psi)
What is the minimum dimensions of a current universal room?
2700 mm x 1700 mm
Wall hung W.C. used with carriers are normally _______.
syphon jet and blowout
A maximum of 8 F.U. may waste into which of the following vents?
lowest portion of the vent stack
The minimum CCC protection used with a combi oven would be _______.
Every support for piping that’s installed should be capable of _______.
A) supporting the pipe
B) supporting the contents
C) keeping the pipe in proper alignment
D) all of the above
all of the above
The minimum size standpipe and trap for a domestic clothes washer in Canada is not less than _______.
50 mm
Every oil interceptor shall be provided with vents that _______.
A) extended independently to open air
B) connected to the interceptor at opposite ends
C) terminate at elevations differing by not less than 300mm (12”)
D) all of the above
D) all of the above
Where is the Island vent located in the code book?
appendix 2.4
When a pump installed in a sewage sump does not operate automatically, what is the required size to hold?
24 hours accumulation of sewage
What is the maximum distance between supports for 25 mm (1”) copper pipe?
2.5 m
What is the minimum allowable size of branch when the hydraulic load is 28 F.U.?
What is the minimum size of metal rods used on pipe sizes over 4” in diameter?
What is the cause of most kitchen fires?
Washdown ventilation Hood
To determine the height of a fixture and the rough measurement for water and waste, what must be consulted?
Rough-In book or Google
Where is a cleanout for a trap, which serves a leader or a sub soil drain, installed?
Over the trap upstream of trap
A continuous vent is?
A vent pipe that is an extension of a vertical fixture drain or branch
How often is it required to change your hard hat harness?
One trap may serve a group of floor drains, showers, or laboratory sinks provided:
All fixtures are in the same room
True or False: One water closet connected to a horizontal branch, is wet vented through a basin, and 15 fixture units discharge past the horizontal branch from above, a relief is required?
The developed length of a trap arm from the vent to the crown weir is:
- not less than twice the size of the trap arm
- The total fall is not greater than the size of the trap arm
An indirectly connected drain must have:
An air break
A sanitary tee fitting, when installed on the horizontal plane may be used to connect:
A dry vent
The maximum number of flushometer water closets that can discharge into an 80mm (3”) stack is:
Which of the following fixtures may discharge into the storm drainage system (RWL) according to the Canadian Plumbing Code?
A bubbler with check valve
What are the minimum size trap arms that can be in the CVB?
2” and 3”
Trap arms connected to a multi-storey wet vent shall be no larger than:
What is the minimum size pipe wrench recommended for a 1 1/2’ pipe?
14” pipe wrench
Water hammer is recommended to be decreased with:
Water hammer arrestors
Water closet seats in public washrooms must be of the:
Open front elongated
What is the fixture unit load of a 3 compartment sink?
What size is the wet vent portion of the acting relief vent (2 lavs tied in symmetrically) for a circuit vented branch?
The CVB has 3 (2” trapped showers), an emergency floor drain, two water closet symmetrically tied in
Where is an elevator sump located?
Outside the elevator pit
When sizing a stack vent or vent stack on the same soil stack, which is likely to be bigger?
The vent stack
A secondary stack vent in a commercial building serving a 3” soil stack shall be a minimum of what size?
1 1/2”
The following rule applies in order to be able to size a relief vent:
one size smaller than the circuit vent
The National Plumbing Code is a set of written standards which:
set minimum standards
The minimum size individual vent serving a 4” trap is:
1 1/2”
The maximum length of a 3” trap arm serving a floor drain at minimum grade is:
3.75m (12’)
When is a backwater valve required?
on fixtures below grade
What is the hydraulic load from a fixture that
produces a continuous flow, such as a pump or an air-conditioning?
31.7 FU/L/SEC
How many litres in an imperial gallon?
The Orifice Flow Control Plate (M) is designed to?
What is the maximum number of flush tank water closets that could drain from the fifth storey of a building into a 3” soil stack?
Piping that is too low to drain by gravity into the sanitary building drain is called:
sub drainage piping