Plot points Flashcards

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (chapter 1)


-Narrator Nick Caraway states how he learned from his father to reserve all judgement

-he briefly mentions Gatsby and how he represents everything he scorns
But exempt’s him from all judgement due to Gatsby “gorgeous” personality

-In summer Nick arrives at New York where he moved for business and rented a house on a part of Long Island called west egg next door to Gatsby

-He has dinner with his cousin daisy her husband Tom Buchanan and her Friend Jordan baker ( a competitive golfer)

-Toms racism and white- supremacist attitudes are highlighted

-Tom gets a phone call from his “mistress”

-As Nick leaves Tom and daisy hint they would like him to take an interest in Jordan

-When Nick arrives home he sees Gatsby at the dock (green light)

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 2)


-Tom has been drinking and forces Nick to join him on a trip to the city

-They stop in the valley of ashes

-The valley of ashes is watched over, not by God, but by an abandoned advertisement: the symbol of materialism

-Myrtle is presented as full of vitality, whilst her husband George is portrayed as anaemic

-Once in town, Myrtle tries to act like a society hostess, with ‘impressive hauteur’
Nick criticises her, not for her affair, but for her social pretensions

-He also presents her sister Catherine and the McKee’s in an unflattering light, revealing his snobbery

-Catherine provides another reference to the mystery which shrouds Gatsby saying he is related to Kaiser Wilhelm

-Tom breaks Myrtle’s nose in a drunken row

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 3)


-Nick is invited to one of Gatsby’s parties

-Nick meets Gatsby, yet still his identity is withheld for as long as possible

-Gatsby asks to speak to Jordan alone

-Jordan emerges from her meeting with Gatsby saying that she has just heard something extraordinary

-There is a car crash, where a wheel is shorn off - foreshadowing

The driver Owl eyes has a complete lack of care and responsibility

-We discover that Jordan is ‘careless’, symbolising her class

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 4)


-Nick lists all of the people who attended Gatsby’s parties that summer

-He then describes a trip that he took to New York with Gatsby to eat lunch.

-As they drive to the city, Gatsby tells Nick about his past, but his story seems highly improbable.

-Seeing Nick’s scepticism, Gatsby produces a picture of himself playing cricket at Oxford.

-When a policeman pulls Gatsby over for speeding, Gatsby shows him a white card, and the policeman apologizes

  • Gatsby takes Nick to lunch and introduces him to Meyer Wolfsheim

-gives Nick the impression that the source of Gatsby’s wealth might be unsavoury

-When Nick sees Tom, Gatsby disappears After the lunch Nick sees Jordan and she narrates Daisy and Gatsby’s story

-According to Jordan, Gatsby has asked her to convince Nick to arrange a reunion between Gatsby and Dais

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 5)


-That night, Nick comes home from the city after a date with Jordan. He is surprised to see Gatsby’s mansion lit up brightly

-Gatsby seems agitated and almost desperate to make Nick happy he invites him to Coney Island, then for a swim in his pool.

-Nick realizes that Gatsby is nervous because he wants Nick to agree to his plan, he agrees to help

-It is raining and the windows are ‘bleared’ signifying Nick’s inability to see the immorality of what he’s doing

-Gatsby’s clothing suggests his purity of feelings and also matches the colour of a daisy

-The scene is awkward and the characters are embarrassed
The sun comes out which provides child-like ‘twinkle-bells’ and hope

-They go to Gatsby’s house and through Daisy’s presence, Nick can see the romantic atmosphere of house and garden
Daisy is glowing

-Nick wonders whether Daisy can live up to Gatsby’s dream of her

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 6)


Part 1
A reporter arrives at Gatsby’s to investigate his involvement in ‘a pipeline’.

-Nick dismisses the claims, refusing to believe badly of Gatsby

-Nick deviates from his plan to tell the events chronologically and narrates some of what Gatsby told him the night of Myrtle’s death

-We learn that Gatsby was the son of a farmer, dissatisfied with his lot in life he left home at 17 before meeting Dan Cody

-Even before Gatsby has boarded Cody’s boat, he has reinvented himself into his idealised version of himself

Part 2
-Stopping by Gatsby’s house one afternoon, he is alarmed to find Tom Buchanan there.

-Tom has stopped for a drink at Gatsby’s house with Mr. and Mrs. Sloane

  • To be polite, they invite Gatsby to dine with them, and he accepts, not realizing the insincerity of the invitation

-They all have horses and he has an automobile (another difference between old and new money)

-When Gatsby returns with his hat to leave, Tom and his friends have gone without him

Part 3
-Daisy, Tom and Nick attend one of Gatsby’s parties

-Through Daisy’s eyes, Nick sees the party differently using more muted and darker colours than the vivid description in chapter 3

-Gatsby seeks out Nick after Tom and Daisy leave the party; he is unhappy because Daisy has had such an unpleasant time.

-Gatsby wants things to be exactly the same as they were before
Nick reminds Gatsby that he cannot re-create the past. Gatsby, distraught, protests that he can

-Nick then recounts, or imagines Daisy and Gatsby’s first kiss five years before

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 7)


Part 1
-Gatsby calls off his parties He also fires his servants and replaces them with shady individuals connected to Meyer Wolfsheim

-On the hottest day of the summer, Nick goes for lunch at Tom and Daisy’s. He finds Gatsby and Jordan Baker there as well.

-Tom notices the way Daisy speaks to Gatsby and ‘knows’

-Itching for a confrontation, Tom seizes upon Daisy’s suggestion that they should all go to New York together

-Nick, Tom, and Jordan learn that Wilson has discovered his wife’s infidelity

Part 2
-They drive into the city and end up aimlessly at The Plaza Hotel, where they get a ‘large and stifling’ room

-In the unbearable heat, tensions rise and Tom challenges Gatsby to explain himself

-Gatsby tries to get Daisy to say she never loved Tom, but she can’t

-Tom begins to give details of Gatsby’s criminal activities which scares Daisy

-Tom sends Daisy back to Long Island with Gatsby to prove Gatsby’s inability to hurt him.

-Tom and Nick stop at the scene and see Myrtle, dead, in the garage with Wilson repeatedly calling out ‘Oh my Ga-od!’

-at Tom’s house, Nick waits outside and finds Gatsby hiding in the bushes.

Gatsby says that he has been waiting there in order to make sure Daisy is ok.

-He tells Nick that Daisy was driving but that he himself will take the blame.

-Tom and Daisy in the domestic setting on the kitchen conspiring

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 8)


-Nick wakes from terrible dreams before dawn and goes to Gatsby’s

-Gatsby is still clutching at ‘some last hope’ as he and Nick sit and smoke in the gloom of dawn.

-There is however the hint of gold in the morning, suggesting the hint of potential romance that Gatsby holds on to

-Nick breaks his chronological narrative once again and paraphrases Gatsby’s story of him and Daisy and his movements post-war

-There is a poignant description of Gatsby - the last time Nick sees him alive

-Nick goes to his office and refuses to meet Jordan Baker for a date.

-The focus of his narrative then shifts to relate to the reader what happened at the garage after Myrtle was killed

-Wilson goes to Gatsby’s house after Tom tells him, where he finds Gatsby lying on an air mattress in the pool, floating in the water and looking up at the sky.

-Wilson shoots Gatsby, killing him instantly, then shoots himself. Nick is there when they discover the body

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What are the key plot points of the great Gatsby (Chapter 9)


Part 1
-Writing two years after Gatsby’s death, Nick describes the events that surrounded the funeral.

  • Nick tries to hold a large funeral for him, but all of Gatsby’s former friends and acquaintances dont come

-Tom and Daisy, for instance, move away with no forwarding address

-He takes a call that implicates Gatsby in fraud, but doesn’t dwell on this. It is notable how Nick never dwells on the evidence of Gatsby’s criminal activity

-Gatsby’s father attends who has come all the way from Minnesota.

-Sick of the East and its empty values, Nick decides to move back to the Midwest. He breaks off his relationship with Jordan

-Just before he leaves, Nick encounters Tom

-He asks Tom why he sent Wilson to Gatsby and Tom said he had no choice and that Gatsby deserved it

-Nick comes to the conclusion that Tom and Daisy are careless and uncaring

Part 2
-On his last night in West Egg before moving back to Minnesota, Nick walks over to Gatsby’s empty mansion

-Nick imagines that America was once a goal for dreamers and explorers, just as Daisy was for Gatsby.

  • He pictures the green land of America as the green light shining from Daisy’s dock

-we are reminded of the artificially of the American Dream and the irony that European settlers destroyed the ‘green’ land in their pursuit of their dream

-Nick realises that dreams are forever out of reach, yet we will still reach for them, no matter the odds stacked against us

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 1 scene 1)


-Play opens with young Richard who has just arrived at Windsor castle

-He has to solve a dispute between The accuser, his cousin Bolingbroke

  • And Mowbray whos been accused of embezzlement, conspiracy against the king and the murder of another one of Richards uncles (Duke of Gloucester)

-Mowbray and bolingbroke grow increasingly angry at which Richard tries to calm them down

-To which they throw down their “gages”(hats) challenging each other to a duel to settle it

-Richard with help from Gaunt try to convince them to reconcile but it doesn’t work

-So Richard sets a date for the two to duel

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 1 scene 2)


-While court is waiting for Bolingbroke and Mowbray to settle their duel, Gaunt has a visit from his sister- in law (Duchess of Gloucester) who is now of course widowed

-She urges Gaunt to avenge his brothers death out of loyalty but also so he isn’t an easy target for political assassins who think they can get away with it “The naken pathway thy life”

-Gaunt refuses, saying God will punish will punish the murderers “Put will our quarrel to the will of heaven”

-But the audience learns a secret that Gaunt cant take action because Richard murdered Gloucester (Divine right of kings) If gaunt kills richard it would be blasphemy against God

-The Duchess disappointed leaves and Curses both B and M wishing they both die in the duel who she believes killed her late husband

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 1 scene 3)


-When asked to state their innocence by richard B and M make dramatic speeches

-Just before the duel starts Richard interrupts ordering the duel to stop and instead chooses banishment M for life and B for 10 years

-but then suddenly decided to reduce it to 6 saying its because he takes pity upon Gaunt

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 1 scene 4)

  • King Richard returns from Coventry to his court, accompanied by two of his friends and allies, the noblemen Bagot and Greene

-Aumerle has just returned from escorting Bolingbroke down to the sea at which Richard asks if tears were shed

-Richard goes into detail how him, bushy, Bagot and green saw how Bolingbroke won over the common people

-Richard feels that Bolingbroke was behaving as if he were in line to be the next king of England

-Richard mentions how he will go through with the war but needs to tax people to do so

-Bushy enters and says Gaunt is sick, Richard rejoices and hatches his plan

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 2 scene 1)


-Gaunt dying in his house talks to the Duke of York while he awaits the arrival of Richard

  • He hopes Richard will hear his advice, York says that’s unlikely as the king is too much surrounded by flatterers and selfish to be interested

-Gaunt replies that, if that is the case, he must prophecy with his last breath that Richard is headed for doom

-Gaunt speech happens

-Richard arrives and asks inquires Gaunts health, this is met with a bitter reply from Gaunt angry at the exile of his son and goes on to scald him for wasting money

-Richard infuirated interupts saying that were Gaunt not of the royal blood, he would destroy him

-Gaunt then points out to Richard that he has not hesitated to shed the blood of royalty before and brings up his involvement in the death of his uncle Thomas of Gloucester.

-He finishes by cursing Richard with his dying breaths

  • Gaunt has died. Richard promptly announces his intention to seize all of Gaunt’s goods in order to finance his war in Ireland.

-After Richard leaves with his attendants, three lords–the Earl of Northumberland, Lord Ross, and Lord Willoughby discuss that England is being ruined under Richard’s reign.

-Northumberland says has secret news: Bolingbroke, with many English allies plan to sail for England as soon as Richard leaves for Ireland.

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 2 Scene 2)


-Richard has departed for Ireland to put down the rebels there

  • Queen Isabel mourns his absence. Richards followers try to comfort her,
  • but Isabel says she is haunted as she feels as though something terrible is going to happen

-Bolingbroke has landed with his army at Ravenspurgh

-Richard has left and taken his army with him so there is no one to stop him.

-The lords join bolingbrokes side

-Aumerle Joins Richard in Ireland, his father York leaves with Queen Isabel to try and raise an army

-Bushy and Greene flee to the west, while Bagot declares his intention to join Richard in Ireland.

-As known favorites of Richard, they are now in danger from the common people, who have turned against Richard and his supporters.

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 2 Scene 3)


-Bolingbroke and Northumberland are riding towards Berkeley castle at which they are met with Northumberland’s son Percy

-Percy himself was sent by Worcester to scout out Berkeley Castle and learn what sort of army York is raising there

-Bolingbroke swears eternal friendship and gratitude to Percy.

-we learn from Percy that York’s army is small

-Bolingbroke is highly respectful toward his uncle York, but York dismisses him angrily disturbing the peace of England through his invasion

-Bolingbroke makes an eloquent speech, declaring that Richard has done him wrong, pleading his right to the titles denied him.

-York explains despite how he feels he cannot condone rebellion against the king, however he doesn’t have the man power to stop it so he stays neutral and invites Bolingbroke to sleep at Berkely castle

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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 2 Scene 4)


on the coast of Wales where Richard intends to land upon his return from Ireland, a large Welsh army has been waiting,

-under the supervision of Richard’s ally Lord Salisbury, for Richard to lead it against Bolingbroke when he returns.

-After ten days of waiting with no news from the King, the army’s captain explains to Salisbury that

-there are bad omens in the sky, and that he and his men are convinced Richard is dead, They then disperse despite Salisbury’s pleas to make them stay

  • In despair, he declares that he can see Richard’s star falling from the sky to the earth
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What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 3 Scene 1)


At Bristol Castle Bolingbroke and his men have apprehended Bushy and Greene

-Bolingbroke accuses them of having given Richard deliberately bad advice which led to his banishment

-He condemns them to be executed.


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 3 Scene 2)


-Richard has arrived at Wales with Aumerle & Carlisle and greets England in poetic terms

  • Aumerle points out Bolingbroke grows stronger in power
  • Richard responds that since he is the rightful king, no rebel stands a chance

-Richard gives a long and despairing monologue after hearing of Bushy and Greens death

-Duke of York has defected to Bolingbroke, too, and all the King’s castles in the north and his allies in the south are in Bolingbroke’s possession or on his side

-Richard, hearing this and realizing that he has no hope left, announces his final intention to give in to despair


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 3 Scene 3)


Bolingbroke, along with York and Northumberland, and their attendants, ride toward Flint Castle to which King Richard has fled.

  • York, although he has now joined forces with Bolingbroke, is deeply disturbed about the possibility of divine retribution

-Percy news that King Richard is holed up inside the castle with allies, Aumerle, Salisbury, Scroope, and Carlisle.

-Bolingbroke sends Northumberland to Richard with a message that he is prepared to surrender his army if the lands and title seized from Gaunt at his death are returned to Bolingbroke. Otherwise, Bolingbroke will wage war against the King.

-before Northumberland can enter the castle Richard tells him to relay a message to Bolingbroke
If Bolingbroke tries to usurp the throne, the heavens will rain vengeance upon him.

-Bolingbroke calls upon Richard to come down from the castle and parley with him, and Richard and his attendants obediently descend.


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 3 Scene 4)


Queen Isabel has been staying at the house of the Duke of York

-although she has not heard the news of Richard’s capture foreboding weigh very heavily upon her.

-As she walks in the Duke’s garden An aged gardener and his assistant enter the garden to tend to some of the plants.

  • The queen and her ladies conceal themselves in the shadow of a grove to overhear what the men will discuss
  • They have been discussing affairs of state, and how the person who caused the country’s disorder has “met with the fall of leaf”

-Queen Isabel bursts from her hiding place to ask the Gardner if what he says is true. at which he says it is

  • Isabel, lamenting her misfortune summons her ladies to come with her to London to meet the captured Richard.

What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 4 Scene 1)

  • Bolingbroke, his allies, and the captured party of King Richard have returned from Wales to London.
  • They ask Bagot to give testimony, asking him who conspired with Richard to kill Thomas, Duke of Gloucester at which he says Aumerle
  • Aumerle heatedly denies it setting off a gage-throwing chain reaction

-As the gage-throwing grows to ludicrous proportions, Bolingbroke cuts them off, saying that the challenges will have to wait.

-He plans to bring Mowbray back from the exile to settle truth of the matter.

-Carlisle tells them all that Mowbray has died while fighting valiantly.

  • York abruptly enters to inform the company that Richard agrees to yield the throne to him immediately.

-Carlisle interrupts him, breaking into a long speech in which he condemns Bolingbroke for his insurrection against the rightful king

-He tells Bolingbroke that if he takes the crown now from the true king of England, generations yet to come will suffer

-Richard enters, he delays giving Bolingbroke the crown with a long, grief-stricken monologue in which he surrenders land, crown, and kingship.

-Northumberland asks him to read aloud a statement confessing his crimes against the kingdom

-Richard resists the order. He then calls for a looking-glass, and, after staring into it and wondering aloud about his own identity now that he is no longer king, he dashes it to the floor.

-Richard departs under guard Carlisle, Westminster, and Aumerle begin to speak together, apparently conspiring against Bolingbroke


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 1)

  • Queen Isabel and her attendants arrive on a street in London where they meet Richard escorted by guards

-Richard sees her and tries to comfort her, telling her she must now learn to live with grief.

-Isabel, angry and despairing, asks Richard what has happened to his courage has Bolingbroke taken that from him, as well as his crown?

  • Richard replies that it is no longer of any use to try to fight: his fate is settled and Isabel should think of him as dead

What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 2)


At the Duke of York’s house at Langley, he greets his wife, the Duchess of York, and tells her about the long day he has had

-the people scowled upon Richard and dumped rubbish onto his head, but cheered wildly for Bolingbroke.

  • York is upset by the bad treatment given to the former King Richard, but he vows to be loyal to the new king.

-Aumerle enters his father, York, notices a letter that he is concealing within his shirt. seizes and reads it.

-The letter reveals that Aumerle has joined in a conspiracy with noblemen to assassinate King Henry

-York goes to tell King Henry and tell him everything.


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 3)


-Aumerle enters and begs his cousin Bolingbroke for a private audience.

  • Aumerle falls to his knees and says he will not rise until the king has agreed to forgive him for the crime he has committed
  • York then enters and shows Bolingbroke the traitorous letter.

-York pleads with the king to execute his son as a traitor, while the Duchess begs him to spare Aumerle’s life.

-the king decides to pardon Aumerle, but adds that all the rest of the conspirators will be arrested and executed immediately.


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 4)


-In Windsor Castle, where the new King Henry now resides, a nobleman ,Exton is talking with his servants.

-He tells them that King Henry has asked his audience “Have I no friend will rid me of this living fear?”

-Exton interprets the “living fear” as a reference to the still-living King Richard, who is imprisoned

-thinks that he saw King Henry specifically look at him when he asked the question and as the “king’s friend” be the man to go and kill Richard.


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 5)


-Richard in Pomfret, who is soliloquizing to himself. Still trying to come to terms with his isolation from the world.

-Then the castle’s keeper Richard bids the keeper taste of it to prove it is not poisoned

-the keeper says that he cannot as Exton, who has come to see him, has forbidden it. Angrily, Richard strikes the keeper

-Exton succeeds in striking him down and Richard, condemns him to burn in hell for his sin then dies


What are the key plot points of Richard (Act 5 Scene 6)

  • Exton enters Windsor with the coffin containing Richard’s body and tells Bolingbroke that he has killed him

-. Bolingbroke says that while he admits he is very glad that Richard is dead

  • But denies having ordered Richards murder and declares that he now loathes Exton
  • Bolingbroke is riddled with guilt of this murder

-He orders a sad funeral for Richard and he and his retinue depart the stage in mourning.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 1 Scene 1)


-begins on a street in Venice, in the midst of an argument between Roderigo and Iago.

-Roderigo has been paying Iago to help him win Desdemona’s hand in marriage, but he has seen no progress as She’s just married Othello

-Iago reassures Roderigo that he hates Othello.

-Iago advises Roderigo to spoil the marriage by rousing Desdemona’s family against the general.

-The two men come to the street outside the house of Brabantio who is a Venetian senator,

-At first he doesn’t believe them but Iago speaks in inflammatory terms which persuades him

-Iago leaves Roderigo alone and goes to attend on Othello

-Brabantio and his men follow Roderigo to Othello.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 1 Scene 2)


-Iago arrives at Othello’s lodgings, where he warns the general that Brabantio will not hesitate to force a divorce

-Cassio and officers from the Venetian court arrive

  • They bring Othello the message that he is wanted by the duke of Venice about a matter concerning Cyprus
  • Brabantio expresses his feelings of Othello’s relationship with Desdemona

-Hearing that the duke has summoned Othello to the court, Brabantio decides to bring his cause before the duke himself.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 1 Scene 3)


-This military meeting is interrupted by the arrival of Brabantio, Othello, Cassio, Iago, Roderigo, and officers.

  • Brabantio says how his daughter has been stolen from him by spells and potions

-The duke gives Othello the chance to speak for himself. Othello denies having used magic to woo her and claims that Desdemona will support his story

-The duke is persuaded by Othello’s tale, dismissing Brabantio’s claim by remarking that the story probably would win his own daughter.

-Desdemona confirms Othello’s claims and she must shift her primary loyalty from father to husband.

-The duke decides that Othello must go to Cyprus to defend the island from the Turks. Desdemona asks to be allowed to go with Othello

-The stage is cleared, leaving only Roderigo and Iago, Roderigo feels his chances of winning Desdemona are gone

-but Iago insists that all will be well he urges him to follow him to Cyprus and everything out from there.

-When Roderigo leaves, Iago delivers his first soliloquy, declaring his hatred for Othello and his suspicion that Othello has slept with his wife, Emilia. From there he hatches his plan


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 2 Scene 1)


Iago, Emilia, Desdemona, and Roderigo. Desdemona disembarks off the ship in Cyprus

-While they wait for the ship containing Othello Iago makes misogynist remarks to Desdemona

  • Desdemona plays along, laughing as Iago belittles women

-Cassio takes Desdemona away to speak with her privately about Othello’s arrival. Iago notices and adds this to the plot of his plan

-Othello arrives safely All but Roderigo and Iago head to the castle to celebrate the drowning of the Turks.

-Iago convinces him of Cassio’s ill intentions with Desdeomna and convinces Roderigo to start a quarrel with Cassio

-Roderigo leaves and Iago and in Soliloquy we learn that Iago believes Othello slept with Emilia and this is revenge for doing so


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 2 Scene 2)


-A herald announces that Othello plans revelry for the evening in celebration of Cyprus’s safety from the Turks, and also in celebration of his marriage to Desdemona.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 2 Scene 3)


-Othello leaves Cassio on guard during the revels, reminding him to practice self-restraint during the celebration.

-Othello and Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage

-Once Othello is gone, Iago enters and persuades Cassio to take a drink and he eventually becomes intoxicated

  • Cassio chases Roderigo across the stage, threatening to beat him

-Having learnt of Cassio’s misdemeanour, He dismisses him from his service

-Cassio laments the permanent damage now done to his reputation by a quarrel whose cause he cannot even remember.

  • Iago suggests that Cassio appeal to Desdemona, because she commands Othello’s attention and goodwill.
  • Iago finishes telling the audience the plot that is to come he will convince Emilia to speak to Desdemona on Cassio’s behalf, and he will arrange for Othello to witness Cassio’s attempts to woo Desdemona.

What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 3 Scene 1)


-Iago tells Cassio that he will send for Emilia straightaway and figure out a way to take Othello aside so that Cassio and Desdemona can confer privately


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 3 Scene 2)


-Iago, Othello, and a gentleman walk together at the citadel.

-Othello gives Iago some letters to deliver and decides to take a look at the town’s fortification.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 3 Scene 3)


-Desdemona has just vowed to do everything she can on Cassio’s behalf when Othello and Iago enter.

-Desdemona entreats Othello to forgive Cassio and reinstate him as lieutenant. Othello assures her that he will speak to Cassio

-Alone with Othello, Iago begins his insinuations of an affair between Cassio and Desdemona

-Iago plants in Othello’s mind thoughts of adultery, cuckoldry, and hypocrisy, until Othello screams to speak his mind.
Iago suggests that Othello observe his wife closely when she is with Cassio.

-By himself, Othello muses that his wife no longer loves him

  • Othello says that he has a pain in his forehead, and Desdemona offers to bind his head with her handkerchief.

-Othello pushes her handkerchief away and it drops to the floor, Emilia stays behind and picks it up

-Iago enters, and Emilia teases him with the promise of a surprise. He is ecstatic when she gives it to him, sends her away.

-Othello enters in rage and declares that his soul is in torment, and demands that Iago bring him visual evidence that Desdemona is a whore

-First, he tells Othello that while Cassio and Iago were sharing a bed, Cassio called out Desdemona’s name in his sleep and kissed him

-Iago then claims to have witnessed Cassio wiping his beard with the handkerchief Othello gave Desdemona as her first gift.

-Furious, Othello cries out for blood and vows revenge on Desdemona and Cassio, and Iago kneels with him, vowing to help execute his master’s vengeance. Othello promotes Iago to lieutenant.


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 3 Scene 4)


-Othello enters and tells Desdemona to give him her hand and chastises her for her hand’s moistness, which suggests sexual promiscuity

-He then asks her to lend him her handkerchief. which she cant produce

-An Egyptian sorceress gave it to his mother and told her that it would make her desirable and keep Othello’s father loyal, but if she lost it or gave it away, Othello’s father would leave her.

  • Desdemona says that she has the handkerchief, but not with her. Othello does not believe her. As he accuses her, she entreats for Cassio as a way of changing the subject.

-While Cassio waits, Bianca, a prostitute, enters. She reprimands him for not visiting her more frequently so he plans to meet her later


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 4 Scene 1)

  • Othello keeps asking Iago for information about Cassio’s comments to Iago.
  • Finally, Iago says that Cassio has told him he has lain with Desdemona, and Othello “[falls down in a trance”

-Cassio enters, and Iago mentions that Othello has fallen due to epilepsy and he would like to speak once Othello leaves

-Othello comes out of his trance, and Iago explains that Cassio stopped by, he orders Othello to hide nearby and observe the conversation.

-When Othello withdraws, Iago informs the audience of his actual intention.

-The plan works: Cassio laughs uproariously as he tells Iago the details of Bianca’s love for him.

-Bianca herself enters with the handkerchief and again accuses Cassio of giving her a love token given to him by another woman.

-Othello has recognized his handkerchief and wonders how he should murder his former lieutenant.

-Desdemona enters with Lodovico, who has come from Venice with a message from the duke

  • Desdemona irritates Othello by answering Lodovico’s inquiries of Cassio

-The contents of the letter also upset Othello he has been called back to Venice, with orders to leave Cassio as his replacement in Cyprus.

  • When Desdemona hears the news that she will be leaving Cyprus, she expresses her happiness, whereupon Othello strikes her.

What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 4 Scene 2)


-Othello interrogates Emilia about Desdemona’s behaviour, but Emilia insists that Desdemona has done nothing suspicious.

  • Alone with Desdemona she denies being unfaithful, Othello sarcastically replies that he begs her pardon

-Roderigo enters, furious that he is still frustrated in his love, and ready to make himself known in his suit to Desdemona

-Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio has been assigned in Othello’s place and how he’s being sent to Africa, taking Desdemona with him

-He tells him that the only way to prevent this is to kill Cassio


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 4 Scene 3)


-After dinner, Othello proposes to walk with Lodovico, and sends Desdemona to bed, telling her that he will be with her shortly

  • Desdemona seems aware of her imminent fate as she prepares for bed. She says that if she dies before Emilia, Emilia should use one of the wedding sheets for her shroud

-Desdemona sings a song called “Willow” about a woman whose love forsook her.

-This leads Emilia to speak about the fact that women have appetites for sex and infidelity just as men do, and that men who deceive their wives have only themselves to blame if their wives cheat on them

  • Desdemona replies that she prefers to answer bad deeds with good deeds rather than with more bad deeds.

What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 5 Scene 1)


-Iago and Roderigo wait outside the brothel where Cassio visits Bianca.

  • Iago positions Roderigo with a sword in a place where he will be able to ambush Cassio.

-Iago then leaves but promises not go too far in case he needs help killing cassio

-Roderigo stabs at him but fails to pierce Cassio’s armor. Cassio stabs and wounds Roderigo.

  • Iago darts out in the commotion, stabs Cassio in the leg, and exits. Not knowing who has stabbed him, Cassio falls

-Othello returns to his bedroom to kill Desdemona.

-Lodovico and Graziano enter and hear Cassio’s and Roderigo’s cries. They can see nothing because of the darkness

  • Iago pretends to discover Cassio, who begs him for help Iago stabs Roderigo without hesitation,

-Cassio faints after bianca arrives and both him and Roderigo’s body’s are carried away


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 5 Scene 2) part 1


-Holding a candle, Othello stands over the sleeping Desdemona and prepares to kill her.

  • He bends down to kiss her once before he does the deed, she wakes, and he tells her to prepare to die.

-Desdemona asks why and Othello responds that she has been unfaithful to him with Cassio, To which she denies but he doesn’t listen

  • Desdemona begins to weep for Cassio who she’s just learnt has died, which only drives Othello into a greater rage

-Othello draws the bed curtains and lets Emilia in. Emilia informs Othello that Cassio has killed Roderigo.

-Othello asks if Cassio has been killed as well, and Emilia informs him that Cassio is alive.

-As Othello begins to realize that his plans have gone awry, Desdemona cries out in her dying breath, then dies

-Othello triumphantly admits to Emilia that he killed Desdemona, and when she asks him why, Othello tells her that Iago opened his eyes to Desdemona’s falsehood


What are the key plot points of Othello (Act 5 Scene 2) part 2


-Emilia calls out for help, bringing Montano, Graziano, and Iago to the scene

-As the truth of Iago’s villainy begins to come out through Emilia’s accusations, Othello falls weeping upon the bed that contains the body of his dead wife.

-We the audience learn Brabantio is dead

-Othello mentions the Handkerchief and as Emilia objects Iago attempts to silence her with his sword.

-Graziano stops him and Emilia explains how she found the handkerchief and gave it to Iago.

-Othello runs at Iago but is disarmed by Montano. In all this commotion Iago manages to stab Emilia

  • Left alone onstage with the bodies of the two women Emilia’s dying words sings a snatch of the song “Willow.” She tells Othello that Desdemona loved him.
  • Othello stabs Iago, wounding him and Iago refuses to say anything more about what he has done
  • Lodovico produces a letter found in Roderigo’s pocket that reveals everything that has happened to clarify othello asks cassio how he got the handkerchief

-Othello, pulling a third dagger from hiding and stabs himself Pledging to “die upon a kiss,” Othello falls onto the bed with his wife’s body

-It ends with Lodovico telling Iago to look at the result of his devious efforts