PLNR MATS V42.1 Flashcards
44WG SI(OPS) 03-05 - Flight Progress Strips
What colour ink is used on flight progress strips?
Entries on flight progress strips shall be made in black or blue ink.
Colours may be used to distinguish particular routes if desired.
Red ink shall only be used to record emergency or unusual situations.
AIP ENR 1.1 - 17, and - Frequency Change - extra card
At what level must pilots contact departure control?
When frequency change instructions are issued immediately preceding the take-off clearance, pilots must transfer automatically from Tower as soon as practicable after take-off, preferably within one mile of becoming airborne.
In all other situations, pilots of departing aircraft are required to remain on Tower frequency until specific frequency change instructions are issued. Pilots can generally expect an instruction to contact Departures Control prior to reaching 2,000FT and should, when advised, effect the change as soon as possible.
AIP ENR 1.1 - 21, 2.10.2 - Position Reports
Position reports are required for all aircraft in controlled airspace and IFR flights in
Class E and G airspace except when?
Except when identified, position reports are required for all aircraft in classes A, C and D airspace, and
for IFR flights or flights using the IFR Pick-up procedure after initial contact with ATC in classes E and G airspace.
AIP ENR 1.1 - 22, After Frequency Change - Extra Card
After a frequency change, what must a pilot report?
After any frequency change, pilots must advise the last assigned level and, if not maintaining the assigned level, the level maintaining or last vacated level.
Note: the “last vacated level” may be omitted by identified aircraft squawking pressure altitude derived level information.
AIP ENR 1.1 – 112, 8.16.10
Define MARSA Levels that MARSA can be applied
MARSA is a procedure which authorises pilots of military aircraft to assume responsibility for separation between their aircraft and other nominated military aircraft (or military contract civil aircraft), within Australian controlled airspace.
MARSA can only be used between participating aircraft using the same flight level or altitude, or manoeuvring within the same block of airspace.
AIP ENR 1.1 – 13, 2.7.3
Establishment on track Unless tracking via a SID or otherwise instructed by ATC, an aircraft captain must remain within ___ of the departure aerodrome to establish flight on the departure track as soon as practicable after take-off.
5 nm
AIP ENR 1.1 – 17, 2.7.1
Airborne report What must pilots report during departure in class C control zones to establish identification?
In Class C and Class D control zones where an ATS surveillance service is provided, on first contact with Centre, Approach or Departures, a pilot must report:
a. if assigned an initial heading – the direction of turn and assigned heading;
b. the altitude passing, to nearest 100FT; and
c. the last assigned level.
AIP ENR 1.1 – 4,
Airways clearances Pilots in command must request an airways clearance:
Other than as specified for PDC operations in para 2.2.25, pilots in command must request an airways clearance:
a. on the clearance delivery frequency, preferably immediately before starting engines, otherwise as soon as possible thereafter; or
b. where a clearance delivery frequency is not available, before entering the departure runway; and
c. before entering controlled airspace.
AIP ENR 1.1-16,
What shall be appended when the heading or level is below LSALT?
When an IFR aircraft is issued heading instructions and/or required to maintain a level below the MVA or MSA/LSALT during a visual departure, “VISUAL” will be appended to the departure instruction.
AIP ENR 1.5 – 39, 8.1.1 and 8.1.4 Extra Card
Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) are pre-planned IFR departure routes printed for pilot use in diagrammatic and narrative form. They have been produced for selected aerodromes to satisfy the requirements of:
(What information does a procedural SID contain?)
a. noise abatement procedure tracks;
b. airspace segregation for ATC purposes;
c. obstacle clearance requirements; and
d. maximum traffic flexibility.
- SIDs do not account for engine failures or other emergencies involving loss of aircraft performance.
- See ENR1.1 para 7.4.2 for use of published SIDs at aerodromes outside Tower hours. (A procedural SID specifies in both diagrammatic and narrative form the direction of turn, tracks and in some cases, altitude requirements and standard departure points. When tracking to or from a navigation aid is not possible, nominal tracks are shown.)
AIP ENR 1.5-40, 8.2.1 extra card
How are procedural SIDs identified?
Procedural SIDs are identified by the name of the first en-route way-point, or by the name of a way-point within the SID, and the amendment status of the procedure,
Note 1: SIDs are identified in terms of take off runway designators, but separate SID instructions are listed and must be followed for each runway served by the SID.
AIP ENR 1.6 7.1.4, 1.6 6.4
Non Discrete SSR Codes (Transponder)
7500 - Unlawful interference
7600 - Communication Problems
7700 - Emergency other than comms
0100 - Local flights operating at aerodromes
1200 - Civil VFR flights in classes E or G airspace 2000 - Civil IFR flights in Class G airspace
2100 - Ground testing by aircraft maintenance staff
3000 - Civil flights in classes A, C and D airspace, or IFR flights in Class E airspace
4000 - Civil flights not involved in special operations or SAR, operating in Class G airspace in excess of 15NM offshore
5000 - Military flights in classes A, C, D or E airspace
6000 - Military flights in Class G airspace 7615 - Civil flights engaged in littoral surveillance
7000 - RPAS in all classes of airspace when instructed to enable transponder
AIP ENR 1.6 – 9, 7.1.8
When must a pilot select transponder to standby or off after arrival at a radar controlled aerodrome; and
When can it be switched from standby at departure?
a) on departure, leave the transponder set to STANDBY until entering the departure runway;
b) on arrival, select the transponder to STANDBY or OFF as soon as practicable after landing
AIP GEN 3.4 - 76, 5.15.6
How do you request an aircraft to operate its identification feature?
“Squawk Ident”
AIP GEN 3.4 - 89, 6.14.3 MATS extra card
What phrase is used when confirming the setting for an unlawful incurrence?
ATC may respond via CPDLC to a report indicating unlawful interference with the uplink message ROGER 7500.
If the aircraft is in ATS surveillance system coverage, request confirmation of the code by the use of the phrase:
AIP GEN 3.4 – 80, Position Report
What shall be included in a position report if not at the assigned level?
When not at assigned level, position report shall include present level, and level to which climbing or descending. For domestic flights, “FEET” may be omitted from altitude reports.
MATS - Definitions
SIS (Surveillance Information Service)
An on request service provided to assist pilots of VFR flights, within ATS surveillance system coverage in Class E and G airspace, to avoid other aircraft or to assist in navigation.
MATS - Definitions
Define an ‘Air Traffic Control Clearance’
Authorisation for aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an Air Traffic Control unit.
MATS - Definitions
Define a ‘Clearance Limit’
The point to which an aircraft is granted an air traffic control clearance.
MATS extra Responsibilities for Separation of Unknown aircraft
In providing ATS within controlled airspace or designated restricted airspace, ATC has no responsibility to maintain prescribed separation minima between a controlled flight and an unknown aircraft that can reasonably be assumed to be outside controlled airspace.
MATS – Issuing SID To which aircraft should a SID or approved RNP procedure be issued when they are published?
Issue SIDs or approved RNP departure procedures to IFR aircraft by night, or by day in IMC.
MATS – No reversion to SID tracking If a SID is cancelled can ATC require a pilot to revert back to it?
Do not instruct pilots to subsequently revert to SID tracking.
MATS – VSD in lieu of a SID You may issue a visual departure in lieu of a SID:
a) by day; b) in VMC; and c) provided that the cloud base is such that the pilot can maintain flight in VMC below the MVA (ATS surveillance system environment) or MSA/LSALT (procedural environment).
MATS – Tracking instructions With respect to departures when shall tracking instructions be specified?
Specify tracking instructions when: a) SIDs are not published; b) a SID is cancelled; c) a visual departure clearance is issued in VMC by day in lieu of a SID; d) aircraft or ground based navaid(s) are not available; e) requested by Australian military aircraft; or f) requested by foreign military aircraft approved by Defence or subject to a letter of agreement.