Pledge Classes Flashcards
Gamma Alpha
Fall 17
1. Alumni Rob Dosh
2. Alumni Nick Gasparino
3. Alumni Thomas Cesar
4. Alumni Sean O’Shea
5. Alumni Tyler Osowski
6. Alumni Chaime Greene
7. Fallen Brother Yotom Levy
8. Fallen Brother Justin Feebo
9. Alumni Connor Woodmire
Gamma Beta
Spring 18
1. Alumni Matt Holton
2. Alumni Alex Lazarath Hall
3. Eli Stitalides
Gamma Gamma
Fall 18
1. Callum kurtz
2. Sam Arno
3. Jake Chapman
Gamma Delta
Spring 19
1. Alumni Hector Hoyas Correa
2. Piece of shit
2. Alumni Shane Malone
3. Alumni Cesar Vasgonez IV
Gamma Epsilon
Fall 19
1. Alumni Seth Gartner
2. Alumni Micheal Barnett
3. Alumni Jackson Diamond
4. Alumni Mark Amella
5. Alumni Tanner Lindval
6. Alumni Chris Gessner
7. Alumni Billy Loaber
8. Alumni Henry McCallion
9. Alumni Kenny McNeil
Gamma Zeta
Spring 20
1. Alumni Theo Rose
2. 2 boots on the ground Alumni Brian Jeffery
Gamma Eta
Fall 20
1. Fallen Brother Danny Coffed
2. Alumni Todd Everetts
3. Alumni mike mamone
4. Alumni Micheal Soernberger
5. Brother Connor Chivers
Gamma Theta
Spring 21
1. Alumni Tanner Senglaub
2. Fallen Brother Nick Caviola
3. Brother Tom Healy
Gamma Iotta
Fall 21
1. Vice Chancellor Andre Bianchi
2. Chancellor Jack Carnes
3. Brusar Houseguy Assitant Warden Eddie Eforo
4. Artcop Chris Kolilias
5. Dickhead Bannon Moore
Gamma Kappa
Spring 22
1. Foreman Henry Baumer
2. Brother Dylan Herseteck
3. IGC Representative Jack McDonald
4. Brother Timmy Mauer
Gamma Lambda
Fall 22
1. Brother Rob Hagar
2. Brother Jackson Russo
3. Brother Gavin Millens
4. Brother Ben Samberg
Gamma Mu
Spring 23
1. Brother Colin Buisch
Gamma Nu
Fall 23
1. Pledge Nate Mormon-Horn
2. Pledge Logan Hartstein
3. Pledge Gavin Moore