PLC - Use of Income Tax Losses (NOT CT) Flashcards
What is the ordinary ‘basis period’ over which an individual must compute their profits or losses?
12 months
What is the basis period for an individual in the first year of trading for the purposes of computing their profits or losses?
The period begins with the date on which the person commences trading and ends on 5 April in that tax year.
In the second year of trading, what is the basis period for computing profits and losses for an individual?
12 months unless the accounting date falls less than 12 months from the commencement of trading in which case the basis period is the first 12 months of trading.
What general income can losses incurred by an individual in a given tax year be used against?
Net income before personal allowances for either that tax year, the previous year or both years.
If an individual taxpayer wants to use losses for both the current year and the previous year, can they determine the priority of claims in such circumstances?
If an individual uses income tax losses in both the current and previous year, can they claim only part of the losses in a particular year?
No, the losses have to be used to the fullest extent in that year - it is not possible to claim only part of the losses in a particular tax year to preserve the personal allowances.
What is the deadline for an individual to claim the benefit of current or prior year losses?
No later than the first anniversary of the self-assessment filing deadline for the tax year in which the loss arises.
What was the issue in the Cotter litigation?
Whether a claim for loss relief should have been made in the individual’s tax return or separately - which would give rise to a cashflow disadvantage because a separate claim need not be given effect to until an enquiry is closed.
Can an individual’s surplus trade losses constitute allowable losses for capital gains tax?
Generally yes but not so as to create a capital loss, and if the losses are equal to the chargeable gains, the annual exempt amount is lost.
What is ‘early trade loss relief’?
Where an individual accrues a loss in any of the first four years of trading, they may make a claim for the loss to be deducted from net income for the three tax years preceding that in which the loss arises instead.
How is early trade loss relief prioritised when applied to the first three years of trading?
It is applied to the earliest year to the fullest extent possible, then the next year and then the year following that.
In order to obtain the ‘sideways’ effect of early loss relief, what characteristic is required of the trade giving rise to the loss?
It must be commercial - carried on throughout the period on a commercial basis and with a view to realising profits (even if profits are not actually realised), and where trading profits were reasonably expected in the period of loss or were expected within a reasonable period afterwards.
How did the FTT in Murtagh v HMRC [2013] UKFTT 352 define (obiter) the requirement that there must be an expectation that profits would arise a reasonable period after the year the losses arose (in order to obtain early trade loss relief)?
By reference to commercial reality. Accordingly in appropriate cases the period could be quite lengthy.
Is sideways loss relief available if the cash basis is used to calculate the losses?
No (see section 74E ITA 2007)
Is sideways loss relief available if a person makes a loss in a trade, profession or vocation and the loss arises directly or indirectly in consequence of, or otherwise in connection with arrangements that have a main purpose of reducing liabilities to IT or CGT via sideways relief?
As of 21 October 2009, no; see section 74ZA ITA 2007.
Is sideways loss relief available if the loss derives from capital allowances arising on the provision of plant or machinery for leasing or of an asset from which royalties or licence fees accrue?
No, unless the individual carries on the trade continuously for six months, beginning or ending in the loss-making period, and devotes substantially the whole of his time to the trade in that six months or the loss making period (see section 75 ITA 2007).