Plato - Theory of Forms Flashcards
What is the key concept
Everything is every changing so we see concepts/ideas rather than actual knowledge
Give an example of a form
We can draw the idea of a circle and recognise it as a circle despite it being imperfect and not an actual circle. (humans can’t draw perfect circles)
What is the Analogy of the Cave
Prisoners are trapped in a cave facing a wall and have never seen anything accept the shadows which project on to the wall. One prisoner is released and experiences what the shadows actually are. He goes back to tell his friends and they think he is lying.
What is the key point made in the analogy?
Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t real.
What do the prisoners represent in the analogy of the cave?
Us- we are prisoners to our world and cannot see the truth/real forms.
What do the shadows represent in the analogy of the cave?
They represent how we see objects rather than their true form: everything isn’t real.
What does the sun represent in the analogy of the cave?
The form of the good
What is the Form of the Good
A perfect, eternal, and changeless Form, existing outside space and time
What does the cave represent in the analogy of the cave?
It represents our physical world
What do the chains represent in the analogy of the cave?
Our sense which give us false hope (our sense aren’t reliable: hallucinations, dreams feeling real)
What does the prisoners journey represent in the analogy of the cave?
The movement from living in ignorance to true understanding
According to Plato, does the world exist?
According to Plato, who should rule?
Philosophers, as they’re the only enlightened ones able to understand real good.
According to Plato, what makes something pure?
For something to be pure it must be eternal
Name 4 criticisms of Plato’s form of the good
- Karl Popper: Plato is determined to find certainty in an uncertain world that’s ever-changing.
- Some things have a definite reality: if you hit your head on a stone, it will hurt.
- There’s no proof of this world of forms
- Plato doesn’t clarify how these worlds are linked
True of False: Plato believes everything is real
False. Plato believes we see shadows of forms, but the form is the only pure object.
True of False: Plato believes everything is real
False. Plato believes we see shadows of forms, but the form is the only pure object.