Plate Tectonics Flashcards
.the rigid outer part of the earth
.the upper layer of the earth’s mantle
.the region of the earth’s atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere
Inner Core
. is the Earth’s innermost part
Outer Core
.a fluid layer about 2,300 k thick
Seismic Waves
.an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake
Oceanic Crust
.the relatively thin part of the earth’s crust that underlies the ocean basins
Continental Crust
.the relatively thick part of the earth’s crust that forms the large landmasses
.the degree of compactness of a substance
Alfred Wegener
.German geophysicist who proposed the theory of continental drift
Continental Drift
.the gradual movement of the continents across the earth’s surface
Convergent Boundary
.a tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
Divergent Boundary
. divergent plate boundary
Transform Boundary
.type of boundary is one where the two plates slide against each other in a sideways motion
Sea-floor Spreading
.the formation of new areas of oceanic crust
.hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses
. The supercontinent of the Northern Hemisphere
.A vast continental area believed to have existed in the southern hemisphere
.an extinct small aquatic reptile of the early Permian period
. greek word meaning tounge