Plasmodium and Malaria (Franco Falcone) Flashcards
When should a patient be assessed for malaria?
Any patient with a recent history of travel to an endemic country, or has been to an international airport, presenting with fever.
Any patient with a risk of contracting regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or country of birth.
How long can Malaria present after travel?
Up to a year post trip
Is Malaria a notifiable disease?
Yes in the UK (Health Protection Notification Regulation 2010).
What kind of Malarias are there?
Plasmodium species Falciparum (subtertiana) Ovale (tertiana) Vivax (tertiana) Malariae (quartana) Knowlesi (quotidiana)
How is Plasmodium spread?
Spread by mosquitoes of the genus ANOPHELES
(= vector)
Anopheles deposits eggs in stagnating waters e.g. rice paddies, swamps, marshes
Rain season, puddles!
What is the life cycle of a mosquito?
Female mosquitos can lay 50-200 eggs at a time (She must take a blood meal beforehand.)
Eggs are laid on still water and develop into aquatic larvae in 2-3 days.
Larvae go through 4 stages of development called instars
Pupae - during the last larval instar, the larvae develop into pupae.
After 1-2 days the adult mosquito emerges from water
Why is malaria proliferative in tropical countries?
Mosquitos need a minimum temperature to mature
What does Anthropophillic mean?
Preference for human blood
(There are different species of Anopheles, not all of them are anthropophillic, some have a preference for animal blood.)
How is Malaria transmitted from the anopheles mosquito?
The mosquito injects saliva
Contains an anti-coagulant
Plasmodium enters the blood within the infected saliva
What stage of disease leads to the symptoms of Malaria?
No symptoms associated with the liver stage.
Symptoms occur when red blood cell stages rupture cells and release malaria ‘toxins’ and pyrogens.
What are the hosts of Malaria?
two types of hosts: humans and female Anopheles mosquitoes. In humans, the parasites grow and multiply first in the liver cells and then in the red cells of the blood. In the blood, successive broods of parasites grow inside the red cells and destroy them, releasing daughter parasites (“merozoites”) that continue the cycle by invading other red cells.
What are the symptoms of Malaria?
Fever, anaemia, diarrhoea, vomiting, splenomegaly, (dead and broken red blood cell fills the spleen, making it enlarged) jaundice (liver function impaired).
What causes, and when is Malaria Fever present?
Caused by host cytokines released in response to released pyrogens (upon RBC rupture).
There can be severe malaria without any fever!
What are Malarial Fever patterns?
After the initial few weeks, fever becomes a regular pattern. (Tertiana, subtertiana, quartana) as schizogony becomes synchronised.
What are the stages of fever? (Especially prevelant in P. vivax)
Cold stage 15-60 min; shivers or shows rigor
Hot stage 2-6 hours; patient becomes flushed, has rapid pulse and high temperature
Sweating stage 2-4 hours; patient sweats abundantly and temperature drops