Plasma concentrations and RBC Metabolism Flashcards
Why don’t small embryos need cardiovascular systems?
they are small enough that diffusion is enough to get oxygen in and waste out of their entire body - but as soon as they’re bigger than a few mm, they need a CV system, which is why it’s the first to develop
the cardiovascular system is inherently linked to what other system?
What is the normal pH of blood?
7.35 to 7.45, averaged to 7.4 (slightly alkaline)
Describe blood’s temperature?
higher than normal body temp
What is the composition of plasma?
91% water, 7% blood proteins, 2% nutrients, hormones, electrolytes, etc.
What percentage of the whole blood is plasma?
What are the three primary classes of plasma proteins?
Where are most of the plasma proteins produced?
in the liver (about 90% of them): all albumins and fibrinogens, and most globulins
What happens in terms of plasma proteins in cirrhosis?
The liver isn’t working appropriately and fails to make enough albumin. Without the albumin, the oncotic pressure in the plasma isn’t high enough, so you don’t pull fluid back into the CV system on the venous side. This results in a buildup of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites.
What percentage of the total oncotic pressure in the plasma is from albumin?
about 70-80%
What is the function of albumin?
it’s a carrier protein for free fatty acids, calcium, zinc, steroid hormones, copper and bilirubin
What do you have to consider about albumin in terms of drug dosing?
It’s capable of binding some drugs - this both decreases their effective concentration and increases their lifetime in circulation (so if you know a drug is a binding substrate for albumin, you have to take that into consideration when taking levels)
Which direction does fluid move on the arterial end? venous end?
fluid is pushed out of the vessel on the arterial end because of starling forces (high hydrostatic pressure beats the oncotic pressure)
fluid is pushed into the vessel on the venous end because the hydrostatic static pressure is no longer high enough to overcome the constant oncotic pressure inside the vessel
What are the two general types of globulins in the plasma?
antibodies and transport globulins
What is the function of fibrinogen?
clotting - they interact to form lots insoluble strands of fibrin that make the framework for a blood clot
How can anemias be classified?
based on RBC size (normocytic, microcytic, and macrocytic) and hemoglobin concentration
What is the mean corpuscular volume?What’s normal?
the average volume of a patient’s RBC - normal is 80-100 femtoliters
What is a normal mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration?
32-37 g/l is normochromic
under 32 is hypochromic
Why is an RBC’s shape important for function? (2 reasons)
- It allows the RBC to travel through spaces that are smaller than itself
- the large ratio of surface area to volume allows for rapid O2 absorption and release
Nutritional deficiencies in what will produce inadequate RBC production?
B12, iron, and folate
What hormone stimulates erythropoiesis? Where is is secreted from? When?
erithropoietin (EPO) from the kidneys in response to anything that will reduce O2 transport: anemia, decreased blood flow to the kidneys, O2 content of lungs declines, respiratory surfaces of the lungs are damaged, etc.
EPO accelerates the maturation of RBCs by doing what?
mainly by speeding up the rate of Hb synthesis (can increase it by 10-fold in the bone marrow)
What do you call the blast cell after it extrudes the nucleus/
a reticulocyte