Plaque and bleeding scores Flashcards
Why are plaque and bleeding scores useful
- assessing oral hygiene and patient compliance
why are modified plaque and bleeding scores useful
- less time consuming than full mouth
- standardised and reproducible method to assess patient engagement
what are Ramfjord’s teeth
- 16
- 21
- 24
- 36
- 41
- 44
how are Ramfjord’s teeth used to do a modified plaque score
- each of the 6 Ramfjord teeth is split into 3 surfaces
- interproximal
- buccal
- palatal/lingual
- for each surface there are 3 possible scores:
- 2 = visible plaque without use of probe
- 1 = no visible plaque but a probe skimmed over tooth surface reveals plaque
- 0 = no plaque
- scores added to get a total
what is the maximum score for the modified plaque score
36 (a score of 2 on all surfaces)
how do you work out a modified plaque score as a %
score/36 x100
what does the modified bleeding score measure
marginal bleeding rather than bleeding on probing from the base of the pocket
- reflects how well the patient is able to carry out effective plaque control daily, whilst bleeding on probing from the base of pockets indicates disease activity and periodontal breakdown
how is the modified bleeding score assessed
each of the 6 Ramfjord’s teeth should have a periodontal probe run gently at 45 degrees around the gingival sulcus in a continuous sweep.
For up to 30 seconds after probing check for the presence or absence of bleeding
how is the modified bleeding score recorded
- each of Ramfjord’s teeth split in 4 surfaces
- mesial
- distal
- buccal
- lingual/ palatal
- for each surface there are 2 possible scores
- 1= bleeding
- 0= no bleeding
what is the maximum modified bleeding score
what to do if one of Ramfjord’s teeth is missing
If there is an appropriate alternative tooth use that one, if not use code N (remember to adjust max plaque and bleeding score)
when do you record scores
- not recorded at initial consultant clinic
- subsequently, record at every treatment and review visit
what is the threshold plaque score for an ‘engaging’ patient
less than 30%
what is the threshold bleeding score for an ‘engaging’ patient
less than 35%
regardless of score, what is the threshold for an ‘engaging’ patient for plaque and bleeding scores
greater than 50% improvement in both