Plant Science Flashcards
Roots that branch off from the primary roots.
Secondary roots
Functions of the stem.
Support, transport, photosynthesis, store food
A plants health is directly related to its…
This structure protects the root as it grows through the soil.
Root cap
Location on the stem where the leaf and bud attach.
Where do roots store food?
What is cross-pollination?
When pollen from one plant fertilizes a separate plant.
Is the pistil a male or female flower structure?
True or false: roots grow continuously.
This is where new plant cells develop within the root.
Apical meristem
What is the purpose of root hairs?
Increase surface area so that more water can be absorbed.
Horizontal, UNDERGROUND stem.
Horizontal, ABOVE GROUND stem.
An onion is an example if what type of specialized stem?
3 products of photosynthesis.
Oxygen, water, glucose
3 Functions of roots.
Absorb water/nutrients, anchor plant, store food
Water is absorbed by roots through what process?
A carrot is an example of what type of root system?
What three parts make up the pistil?
Stigma, style, ovary
What two parts make up the stamen?
Anther and filament
What parts make up a perfect flower?
Pistil and stamen
What is fertilization?
When sperm (pollen) and egg unite.
What is pollination?
When pollen attaches to stigma.
Purpose of lenticels?
Gas exchange
Color of healthy roots
Purpose of stomata
Gas exchange
This root section contains xylem and phloem.
Vascular cylinder
Distance between two nodes.
What parts make up a complete flower?
Pistil, stamen, sepals, petals
Function of phloem?
Carry food down
Which region of the roots is where cells divide?
Region of cell division
Monocots or dicot: vascular tissue arranged in rings.
Region of the roots where cells grow longer and wider.
Region of elongation
Purpose of bud scale
Protect bud in harsh weather.
When a leaf or bud falls off, what is left behind?
Bud scale scar
Function of xylem.
Transport water and nutrients up to leaves to be used in photosynthesis.
When a seed germinates, the first structure to appear is tend root or…
Surface of the root is protected by skin cells called…
What tissue is responsible for the production of xylem and phloem?
Area within roots that is only one cell layer thick and controls movement of substances in and out if xylem and phloem.
Structure that opens and closes stomata.
Guard cells
Three things needed to perform photosynthesis.
Carbon dioxide, water, sunlight
Common name for glucose.
Monocot or dicot: parallel leaf veins.
Waxy layer that protects leaf from drying out.
Potato is an example of what type of specialized stem?
When the primary and secondary roots are similar in size, this is what type of root system?
Five types of specialized stems.
Bulb, corm, rhizome, stolon, tuber
In what direction do xylem and phloem conduct materials?
Xylem up, phloem down.
Monocot or dicot: taproot system.
Region of the root where cells differentiate and specialize.
Region of maturation
Function of leaf.
Define respiration.
Process in which plant uses energy