Plant Reproduction Flashcards
Describe angiosperm
A flowering plant with seeds developed in ovaries of flowers and protected by ‘fruits’ (including beans wheat rice corn peas and maple seeds) 80% of all living plants
Describe gymnophyte/ gymnosperm
‘naked seeds’ formed in unisexual cones called strobili.
Example of an angiosperm
Example of a gymnophyte
Scots Pine
seed dispersal difference between
angiosperm and gymnosperm
Angiosperm disperses seed by wind, water, animal, fire (eucalyptus)
Gymnosperm disperses seed by wind/ fire
releases seed by environmental trigger
fire (Pinus banksiana- Jack Pine)
what is a Pteridophyte?
plants in the order pteridophyte are Horsetails and ferns
what is a Bryophyte?
plants in the order Bryophyte are algaes and mosses
Angiosperm life cycle
seasonal life cycle, reproductive system in flowers, seeds in ovary
Gymnosperm life cycle
Evergreen trees, not seasonal, reproduction system in cones
evolved first (some which are wind distributed have no petals on flowers because developed before insects- grasses)
-single leaf from a single seed
-parallel veins/ strap like leaves
-fibrous root system- divide at base in clumps
-vascular bundles within xylem and phloem are scattered
- petals in multiple of 3
better evolved, more efficient structures
-two leaves from a single seed
-vascular bundles within xylem and phloem are in a ring
-tap root with root hairs coming off- able to store sugars and last longer
-net like veination in broad leaves
-can be woody
petals in larger numbers
Completes it’s lifecycle within one year of seasonal change
example Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’ Sunflower cv
Completes its lifecycle over 2 years
Daucus carota
Dipsacus fullonum- teasel
Completes its life cycles over many years (3 or more).
Phormium tenax - New Zealand flax
Crataegus mongyna
Life cycle of a plant
seed- germination- vegetative growth- reproductive adult- pollination- fertilisation-senescence- necrosis
Ephemeral plant
Arabadopsis thaliana can complete its entire lifecycle in six weeks. The central stem that produces flowers grows after about 3 weeks, and the flowers naturally self-pollinate
a plant that flowers briefly for approx 2 months in a brief (seasonal) window of opportunity like Spring, takes advantage of first sunlight and then dies back all foliage completely to only a rhizome or corm
what are 4 intended learning outcomes of RHS course
Best practise
Health and safety
Seed dispersal method?
Antirrhinum majus
Censer- seeds are shaken out in the wind
Seed dispersal method
Taraxacum officianalis
Seed attached to parachute wind dispersal
Seed dispersal method?
Galium aperine
Cleavers/ goosegrass/ sticky weed
Burr attached to animal fur