Plant Nutrients Deficiency Symptoms Flashcards
Nitrogen (N) deficiency
o Chlorosis in old leaves
o Slender and often woody stems
o Stunting of growth
o Anthocyanin accumulation
Sulfur (S) deficiency
o Chlorosis in mature and young leaves
o Stunting of growth
o Anthocyanin accumulation
Phosphorus (P) deficiency
o Stunted growth in young plants
o Dark green coloration of leaves which may be malformed and contain small spots of dead tissue called necrotic spots
o Necrosis of older leaves
o Slender stems
o Delayed maturation
Boron (B) deficiency
o Black necrosis of the young leaves at the base of leaf blade and terminal buds
o Stiff and brittle stems
o Necrosis of fruits, fleshy roots, and tubers
Potassium (K) deficiency
o Mottled or marginal chlorosis, which then develops into necrosis at the leaf tips, margins, and between veins
o Symptoms initially appear on the mature leaves toward the base of the plant
o Leaves may curl and crinkle
o Slender and weak stems with abnormally short internodal regions
Calcium (Ca) deficiency
o Necrosis of young meristematic regions where cell division and wall formation are most rapid
o Young leaves may appear deformed
o Sever stunting if meristematic regions die prematurely
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency
o Chlorosis between leaf veins occurring in the older leaves
o Premature leaf abscission
Chlorine (Cl) deficiency
o Wilting of leaf tips followed by general leaf chlorosis and necrosis
o Reduced leaf growth
o Leaves may take a bronzelike color (Bronzing)
o Stunted roots and thickened root tips
Manganese (Mn) deficiency
o Intervenous chlorosis associated with the development of small necrotic spots which may occur on younger or older leaves
Iron (Fe) deficiency
o Intervenous chlorosis observed on younger leaves
o Leaves may turn white under conditions of extreme of prolonged deficiency
Zinc (Zn) deficiency
o Reduction of internodal growth and may display rosette habit of growth
o Leaves may be small and distorted with leaf margins having a puckered appearance
Copper (Cu) deficiency
o Production of dark green leaves which may contain necrotic spots (Necrotic spots appear first at the tips of the young leaves)
o Leaves may be twisted or malformed
o Leaf abscission may occur under extreme nutrient deficiency
Molybdenum (Mo) deficiency
o General chlorosis between veins
o Necrosis of older leaves
o Flower formation may be prevented or premature flower abscission may occur
Nickel (Ni) deficiency
o Production of dark green leaves which may contain necrotic spots (Necrotic spots appear first at the tips of the young leaves)
o Leaves may also be twisted or malformed
o Leaf abscission may occur under extreme nutrient deficiency