Plant list 8 Flashcards
Dendrocalamus minor
Ghost Bamboo
10 x 2 m
Tall clumping bamboo
Large, deep green pendulous leaves
SUMMER growth
Rarely flowers
Dormant in WINTER
Sheds leaves after 2 m growth/ nodes & culms visible
Likes sun&moisture - tropical
Vigorous growth, top arches
Good for screening
Clivia miniata
Kaffir Lime
0.6 x 0.6 m
S/m herbaceous clumping perennial
Thick/broad strappy, dark green leaves
Soft orange flowers with yellow centre in LATE WINTER/SPRING
green fruit turning red/glossy in SUMMER
Likes shade
Resilient/ but will go yellow in sun
Fleshy roots
Agapanthus ‚Purple Cloud‘
African Lilly
0.6 x 0.6 m
Medium herbaceous clumping perennial
Glossy, pale midgreen leaves
Dark purple umbel shaped flowers in SUMMER -follow by green/brown seed heads (infertile)
Fleshy roots-ok for hot dry conditions
Likes well drained soil
Mahonia lomariifolia
Holly Grape
2-3 x 1-1.5 m
Tall evergreen shrub
Stiff, thick midgreen foliage-paler underneath. Prickly, sharply pointed
Spikes of yellow flowers in AUTUMN
Purple fruit in WINTER
Slow growing
Shady/ dry tolerant
Iochroma cyaneum
Violet Tube Flower
4 x 3 m
Tall evergreen shrub
Soft stemmed, tall arching
Large felty greyish/green leaves
Showy clusters of purple tubular flowers in SUMMER/AUTUMN
Frost tender
Prune in WINTER