Plant list 10 Flashcards
Eremophila hygrophana
Blue Emu Bush
1.2 x 1.2 m
Medium evergreen shrub
Soft green, velvety leaves
Purple/blue tubular flowers in AUTUMN/WINTER
Likes sunny &hot
Drought tolerant
Well draining soil
Goodenia ovata
Hop Goodenia
1-2 x 1-3 m
Medium evergreen shrub
Sprawling, indigenous
Midgreen, glossy leaves
Masses of small yellow flowers in SPRING/SUMMER
Drought, frost resistant
Calothamnus quadrifidus ‚Grey Form‘
Net Bush/ One Sided Bottlebrush
2 x 2 m
Medium evergreen native shrub
Narrow greyish/green leaves
Hairy and closely packed along the stem
Red brush like flower on one side of stem in SPRING/SUMMER
Capsule like fruit, persistent
Likes hot/dry
Well drained soil
Chorilaena quercifolia
2 x 2 m
Medium evergreen shrub
Rounded habit
Dull green, hairy foliage. Oak like shape and texture
Green/white/red/pink flowers in LATE SPRING/EARLY SUMMER
Hanging stamens
Adaptable to saun/shade/moist/dry conditions
Ok for coastal-limits size
Correa ‚Dusky Bells‘
Dusky Bells
1 x 2 m
Small evergreen native shrub
Oval, middark green leaves
Fuschia/pink tubular flowers in AUTUMN-EARLY SPRING, but spotted flowering throughout the year
Likes cool, shady, filtered light