plant kingdom Flashcards
five kingdom classification was proposed by
R H Whittaker
kingdom plantae consists of
algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms
the earliest system of classification was based mainly on
gross superficial morphological characters like habit, color, number of leaves,, they were mainly based on vegetative characters or androecium structure (based on LINNAEUS)
what was the system given by linnaeus to classify plants called and why was it discarded
called artifical system of classification and it was mainly based on vegetative characters or androecium structure,,,, it was discarded bc it gave equal weightage to both sexual anf vegetative characters which is wrong bc vegetative characyers are easily affected by environment
natural classification system
based on natural affinities among the organisms and consider not only the outer but internal features like ultra structure, anatomy, embroyology and phytochemistry
the natural classification system was given by
george bentham and joseph dalton hooker
what is the current acceptable system of classification
phylogenetic classification systems based on evolutionary rs between various organisms
algae habitat
largely aquatic (both freshwater nd marine) ,, also occur in a variety of other habitats like moist stones, soils and wood ,, some of them also occur in association w lichen and on sloth bear
colonial forms of algae ex
filamentous form of algae
ulothrix and spirogyra
a few of _ forms of algae form _ which are massive plant bodies
algae reproduce by —
asexual and
vegetative forms
vegetative reproduction in algae
by fragmentation,, each fragment develops into a thallus
asexual reproduction in algae
by prodn of different types of spores, most common of which is zoospore.
algal zoospore
helps in asexual reproduction
flaggelated (motile) and on germination gives rise to new plants
sexual reproduction in algae
through fusion of 2 gametes
algal sexual reproduction where gametes are similar in size and flaggelated
algal sexual reproduction where gametes are similar in size and non-flagelated
ulothrix and spirogyra are examples of what kind of reproduction
sexual isogamous
anisogamous reproduction def. and example in algae
fusion of two gametes disimilar in size. eudorina
oogamous sexual reproduction in algae
volvox and fucus
atleast _ the toltal co2 fixation is carried out by _ through photosynthesis
many species of _, _ and _ are among the 70 species of _ algae that are used as food
certain marine _ and _ algae produce large amoutn of hydrocolloids examples _ and _
brown and red algae
algin (brown) nd carrageen (red)
agar, a commercial products used to grow microbes and to make icecreams and jellies is obtained from algae -
gracilaria and gelidium
a unicellular algae rich in _ that is also used by space travellers as a food supplement is
chlorophycae pigment dominance
chlorophyll a and b
most of the members of chlorophycae have storage bodies called _ in the _
pyrenoids generally found in
pyrenoids contain
starch mostly
also protein
chlorophycae cell wall condition
usually have a rigid cell wall
inner layer of cellulose
outer layer of pectose
commonly found green algae
reproduction situation in green algae
veg. rep - fragmentation or by formation of different types of spores
asexual rep - flagellated zoospores produced in zoosporangia
sexual reproduction - shows considerable variation and could be isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous
phaeophycae primary habitat
heavy variation in size and form from ectocarpous to kelps is shown by which algae
filamentous brown algae
profusely branched form of brown algae and can reach upto 100 metres
brown algae pigments
chlorophyll a and c
the variation in color of brown algae from olive green to various shades of brown depends upon the presence of
xanthophyll pigment
fucoxanthin pigment
food in brown algae is stored in the form of
complex carbs which may be in the form of mannitol or laminarin
the _ cells of brown algae generally have a cellulosic wall usually covered on the outside by _ coating of _
frond in brown algae is a
a leaf like photosynthetic organ
The plant body is usually attached to the substratum by a _
and has a _ and _ and leaf like photosynthetic organ –
the _.
stalk stipe
reproduction in brown algae
vegetative rep
vegetative rep in brown algae
asexual rep in brown algae
biflagellate zoospore that are pear shaped and have two unequal laterally attached flagella
sexual rep in brown algae
could be isogamous, anisogamous, or oogamous
union of gametes for brown algal sexual rep could take place in -
also describe the physical form of these sexual gametes -
within water or within oogonium (oogamous species)
gametes are pyriform (pear shaped) and have two laterally attached flagellas
examples of brown algae
rhodophycaea dominant pigment
red pigment, r-phycoerythrin
red algae habitat
marine with greater concentration found in the warm water
occur both at well-lighted areas near the surface and also at the depths
the red thalli of most red algae are unicellular/multicellular??
multicellular,,, some of them have complex body organization
food in red algae is stored as
floridean starch which is very similar to amylopectin and glycogen in structure
vegetative rep in red algae
asexual rep in red algae
by non motile spores
sexual rep in red algae
by non motile gametes,, sex rep is oogamous and is achieved by complex post fertilization developments
examples of red algae
bryophytes include _ and _ that are commonly found in growing in
mosses and liverworts
moist shaded areas in the hills
a liverwort
amphibians of the plant kingdom and why
bryophytes bc they can live on soil but are dependent on soil for sexual reproduction
which plant kingdom thingy plays an important role in plant succession on bare rocks/soil
the body of bbryophytes is attached to the substratum by unicellular/multicellular/either (???) _
main plant body of bryo is halpoid/diploid
the main plant body of bryo is _ and produces gametes that’s why it’s called _
sex organs in bryo are multicellular/unicellular
male sex organ in byro is called and it produces
biflaggeletes antherezoids
female sexorgan in bryo and it produces
archegonium which is flask shaped
single egg
what happens after a zygote is formed after the fusion of antherzoid and egg in bryo
it does not undergo reductional division immeditaely and produce a multicellular body called sporophyte
bryohyte sporophyte is
not free-living but attached to the photosynthetic
gametophyte and derives nourishment from it.
_ cells of sporophytes undergo _ to porduce _ spores which germinate to produce _
reductional division
plant body of a livermort is
loverwort thallus is
closely appressed to the substrate
the leafy members of liverworts have _ on the _
tiny leaf like appendages in two rows on the stem like structures
asexual rep in liverworts
takes place by fragmentation of the thalli or the formation of specialized structure called gammae
gammae are _ which develop in _ located on the _
green multicellular asexual buds w hich develop in small receptacles called gemma cups located on the thalli
liverworts sexual rep
male and female sex organs are produced either on the same or on different thalli
liverworts sporophytes is differentiated into
foot seta capsule
in liverworts,, after meiosis, spores are produced in the _ which germinate to produce
free living gametophyte
the predominant stage in the life cycle of a moss is a _ which consists of how many stages
2, protonema, leafy stage
protonema of mosses
develops directly from a spore
creeping, green, branched and frequently filamentous stage
leafy stage of mosses
develops from the secondary protonema as a lateral bud
consists of upright slender axes bearing spirally arranged leaves
attached to the soil through multicellular rhizoids
bears the sex organs
the leafy stage of mosses is attached to the soil through multicellular/unicellular/either _
multicellular rhizoids
vegetative rep in mosses
fragmentation and budding in the secondary protonema
budding in the mosses occur in the
secondary protonema
in sexual rep in mosses the sex organs _ and _ are produced at the _
antheredia archegonia
apex of the leafy shoot
in mosses,, after fertiliazation the zygote develops
into a sporophyte consisting of a foot capsule and seta
the spoophyte of _ is more elaborate than _ in bryo
mosses liverworts
out of mosses and liverworts, which one has an elaborate network of spore dispersal
examples of mosses
the pteridophytes include
horsetails and ferns
pterido uses
used as medicinal purposes
soil binders
grown as ornamentals
evolutionary, _ are the first terrestial plants to posses vascular tissues
xylem and phloem
pterido are found in _ but they can also flourish in _
cool damp shady
sandy soil condn
dominant phase in the life cycle of bryo and pterido
the main plant body of pterido is _ and it is differentiated into
true stem and leaves
found in pterido
they are small leaves
found in selanginella
found in pterido
they are large leaves
found in ferns
the sporophytes of pterido bear sporangia that are subtended by leaf-like appendages called sporophylls
strobili / cones ??
in some cases,, sporophylles may form distinct compact structures called strobili/cones as in selaginella and equisetum
the spores in pterido give germinate to give rise to
inconspicous, small but multicellular, free living, mostly photosynthetic gametophytes called prothallus
the spores in pterido germtinte to give rise to prothallus which is small, multicellular, free living and a photpsynthetic gametophyte
prothallus require these conditions to grow
cool, damp and shady places
reason why pterido are limited to certain geo areas only
bc of the specific restricted conditions in which prothallus grows and the requirement of water for fertilization
the zygote that’s formed after fertilization of male gamete w the egg, produces
a multi cellular well differentiated sporophyte which is the dominant phase of pterido
in majority of pterido most spores are of _ kind.
selaginella salvinia
the _ and _ germinate and giev rise to femal and male gametophyte resp. in pterido
megaspores microspores
the _ gametophyte in pterido are retained on the parent _ for how long
variable periods
further classes of pterido
psilopsida (psilotum)
lycopsida (selaginella, lycopodium)
sphenopsida (equisetum)
pteropsida (dryopteris, pteris, adiantum)