Plant ID's Flashcards

Has simple leaves, alternate leaves, grows in the field

Microstegium Vimineum
Japanese Stillgrass
Grows low to the ground, has alternate leaves

Quercus Alba
White Oak
Has simple leaves, smooth lobe, takes a long time to decompose

Quercus Rubra
Red Oak
Has spiked lobes, Gals on leaf (Baby Larvae)

Acer Plantanoides
Norway Maple
Has a defecsive liquid coming out of the stem, handshaped leaves that are huge

Ageratina Altissima
White Snakeroot
Has Opposite leaves, look like spades (like in cards)

Rosa Multiflora
Has compound leaves, does not have smooth leaves, has alternate leaves

Toxicodendron Radicans

Juniperus Virginiana
Eastern red cedar
Shades out flowering plants, in the older part of the forest

Lonicera Japonica
Japanese Honey Suckle
Simple leaves, opposite leaves, grows upward for light, less protection, needs other trees to survive

Wild Blackberry
Makes purple berries, simple leaves

Ailanthus Altissima
Tree of Heaven
Compound, opposite leaves, have seed dispersal from wind

Berberis Thunbergii
Japanese Blackberry
Makes edible berries, thorny

Parthenocissus Quinquefolius
Virginia Creeper
Produces red berries, compund

Carya Ovata
Shagbark Hickory
Has compund leaves

Fagus Grandifolia
American Beech
Oval leaves, has a streight leaf vein, simple leaves, smooth bark, not invasive

Cornus Florida
Flowering Dogwood
Makes big white flowers, leaves are clumped and facing down


Wine Berry
Rubus Phoenicolasis
Spade Leaves

Queen Anslace
Daucas Carata

Artemisia absinthium

Cirsium Thistle


Ambrosia Artemisifolia

Poverty Grass
Andropogen Sp.

Artemisia Vulgaris

Asclepias Syriaca

Gray Birch
Betula Populifolia

Spotted Spurge
Euphotia Maculate

Sweet Gum
Liquid Styraciflua

Black gum
Nyssa Sylvatica

Panicum Virgatum

Narrow Leaved Plantain
Plantago Lanceolata
Has simple leaves

Populus Deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

Black locust
Robinia Pseudoacacia

Common Mullein
Verbascum Thaspus
Seeds are on the outside

American Beachgrass
Ammophila Breviligulata

Wooly Beachheather
Hudsonia Tomentosa

Northern Bayberry
Morella Pennsylvanica

American Holly
Ilex Opaca

Black Cherry
Prunus Serotina

Prickly Pear Cactus
Opuntia Humifusa

Acer Rubrum
Red Maple

Baccharis Halimifolia
Groundsel Bush

Iva Frutescens
Marsh Elder

Quercus Montana
Chestnut Oak

Salicornia sp.

Spartina Alterniflora
Saltmarsh Cordgrass

Spartina Alterniflora
Salt Meadow Cordgrass

Phragmites Australis
Giant Reedgrass
Usually the first plant that makes a wall blocking the marsh

Sassafras Albidum

Morella Pensylvanica
Northern Bayberry

Atlantic White Cedar
Chamaecyparis Thyoides

Pitch Pine
Pinus Rigida

Scrub Oak
Quercus ilicifolia
(Is a bush)
Pitcher Palnt
Sarracenia Purpurea

Sphagnum sp.

Roundleaf Greenbrier
Smilax Rotoundifolia

Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium Corymbosum

Sassafras Albidium