Plant Disease & Defense 2 Flashcards
A virion consist of…
DNA or RNA, proteins, and for some viruses, a surronding, host-derived membrane.
Tobacco mosaic virus, influenza, potato virus Y, coronaviruses, and measles viruses are all which type of virus?
RNA viruses
What gave the historically famouys ‘Semper Agustus’ tulip its beautiful red & white streaked color patterns?
Infection with Tulip Breaking Virus
Symptoms of COVID-19 can include…
All of these are symptoms of COVID-19
Bunchy top, said to be the worlds worst disease of bananas is caused by…
DNA virus
Legumens and certain other plant groups can fix nitrogen (N2 gas) to plant-useable forms because of…
Symbiotic bacteria suh as, ‘Rhizobium spp.’ that associated with the roots.
Fusarium, Verticillium, and Ralstonia vascular wilts that destroy vascular tissues and devastate many plant species & crops are caused by…
Most plant viruses…
Require an insect vector such as aphids to inject them into the cell through otherwise insurmountable barriers such as cuticle and cell wall.
Herbivory by caterpillars on the leaves of certain species causes the release of volatile terpenoids that…
Attract predators such as predatory wasps
Substances that signal or meditate inducible responses to infection by pathogens in plants include…
All of these may mediate responses
Pre-existing resistances to infection by a pathogen that are innate features of plant-including barriers such as the cuticle & cell wall and permanently-available secondary metabolites & other (bio) chemical defenses make up plat’s….
Basal resistance
Hypersensitive reponse
Stimulate cell suicide and tissue death at the infection points and is effective against biotrophs
Induced responses to necrotrophic pathogens often involve…
Jasmonate & ethylene-stimulated production of antimicrobial toxins and enzymes… etc.