plant defense Flashcards
surrounded by an enormous member of potential enemies.
is a principal constituent of the cuticle
forms at sites of leaf abscission and in areas damaged by disease or wounding
is a principal component of the outer cell walls of all underground organs and is associated with the cork cells of the periderm
are not macromolecules, but rather complex mixtures of long-chain acyl lipids that are extremely hydrophobic
form barriers, between the plant and its environment, that function to keep water in and pathogens out.
Cutin, suberin, and their associated waxes form
They protect plants against being eaten by herbivores and against being infected by microbial pathogens
Secondary Metabolites
They serve as attractants (smell, color, taste) for pollinators and seed-dispersing animals
secondary Metabolites
They function as agents of plant-plant competitions and plant microbe symbioses
secondary Metabolites
These metabolites are relevant to agriculture; increase reproductive fitness by warding of fungi, bacteria, and herbivore.
secondary Metabolites
constitute the largest class of secondary products.
derived from the union of five-carbon elements that have the branched carbon skeleton of isopentane
The basic structural elements of terpenes are sometimes called
isoprene units
an important group of plant hormones, are diterpenes
are triterpene derivatives that are essential components of cell membranes, which they stabilize by interacting with phospholipids
are tetraterpenes that function as accessory pigments in photosynthesis and protect photosynthetic tissues from photooxidation
red, orange, and yellow carotenoids
is a C15 terpene produced by degradation of a carotenoid precursor.
abscisic acid
Many plants contain mixtures of volatile monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, called
essential oils
first isolated from the common fern, Polypodium vulgare, are a group of plant steroids that have the same basic structure as insect molting hormones
are glycosides (compounds containing an attached sugar or sugars) that taste bitter and are extremely toxic to higher animals. This can be found in foxglove flower (Digitalis)
may interfere with sterol uptake from the digestive system or disrupt cell membranes after being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Highly Complex Phenolic
is found in the cell walls of various types of supporting and conducting tissue, notably the tracheids and vessel elements of the xylem
• Provides mechanical support
protective functions in plants. Its physical toughness deters feeding by animals, and its chemical durability makes it relatively indigestible to herbivores
can inactivate herbivore digestive enzymes and create complex aggregates of tannins and plant proteins that are difficult to digest.
also serve as defenses against microorganisms. For example, the nonliving heartwood of many trees contains high concentrations of tannins that help prevent fungal and bacterial decay
plant tannins
accumulates to high levels in some crop plants
acts as an antioxidant in plants
found in apples, pears , carrots, tomatoes and sweet potato and in coffee and tea
chlorogenic acid
are common in the food supply, mainly from spicies and red purple fruits and veggies
found in mostly legumes (beans) and have several biological activities.
some, such as the rotenoids, have strong insecticidal actions and anti estrogenic effects
important in attracting animals for pollination and seed dispersal
contained in citrus, cherries, grapefruit.
show strong antioxidant and rafical scavenging activity
popular group of flavonoids ehich include catechines and procyanidines found in high concentration in grapes and act as antioxidant
large class of secondary metabolites in plants that have numerous biological effects in mammals including antitumor and antioxidant
daghan anti anti nga naas strawberry
symmetric pattern of stripes
nectar guides
nitrogen that function as defenses against predators
block the synthesis or uptake of protein amino acids
result is a nonfunctional protein
non protein amino acids
needed for growth and dev and their metabolism appers to be coordinated with the cell cycle
poisonous gas hydrogen cyanide
deters feeding by insects and other herbivores
cassava major food source
cyanogenic glycosides
found in brassicaceae
responsible for the smell and taste of veggies