Plant Communities (GO) and ID keys and Mccdougal paper Flashcards
What are some early season herbaceous species associated with GO?
- Common Camas (Camassia quamash)
- Trout lily (Erythronium oregonum)
- Shooting Star (Dodecatheon hendersonii)
- Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis)
- Great Camas (Camassia leichtlinii)
- Broom Moss (Dicranum scoparium)
- Miner’s Lettuce (Montia perfoliata)
- Rock Moss (Rhacomitrium canescens)
Why does the BC coast have high diversity in mosses and lichens?
- Mosses and lichens difficult to key due to high diversity on coast
What species are you likely to find associated with GO bedrock outcrops?
- Broom Moss (Dicranum scoparium)
- Rock Moss (Rhacomitrium canescens)
What other species may be found associated with GO communities (non-early season herbaceous)?
Festuca roemerii (Roemer's fescue) Bromus carinatus (California brome) Melica subulata (Alaska oniongrass) Elymus glaucus (Blue wildrye) Symphoricarpus albus (Snowberry-shrub)
What is happening at the Christmas Hill site in Victoria?
CDF overtopping oaks, no real management of site
What is the desired state of GO?
Savannah, not woodland
Snowberry is a native species, but how is it also invasive?
Snowberry is an ‘increaser’ of the middle story and along with Indian Plum overshadows the meadow layer and detracts from savannah landscape
When is the ideal time to burn?
Spring: not too dry and the sun can solarize and cook the blackened burnt land surface
What is the state of the GO system at the NCC Maple Bay property?
Woodland well represented, but not savannah yet.
- Savannah side used to be a sheep farm and doesn’t have enough native species left to re-establish after a burn
Take home messages from MccDougall paper
- Burning is good, essential even
- Need enough of the original (native) population left (seed bank)
- ie. need remnant communities in place already
- Stable
- Resistant (Don’t change a lot)
- Resilient (Bounce back quickly)
- Cut main stem and suckers (clones) spring up
- Cut growing leader promotes spreading base
- cut right to base, not just top buds
- get higher density of wood and thicket
- Used in England to build hedgerows (instead of fences)
- FN used on GO to get more wood
Physiognomic Key
- Based on Structure
- Advantages: Can be used anywhere in the world, easiest.
- tall, canopy cover
Floristic Key
- Based on composition and flora
- Need the name of the species
- Disadvantage: Need the reproductive parts which are not always available or may have been mowed down
- ex. BC Flora key
What is easiest kind of key to use? Why?
- start with canopy cover and height
- Moving into habitat description gets tougher when describing species
Physiognomic vs. Floristic Keys
Physiognomic: Species free, only structural
-Can be used anywhere
Floristic: Species, not structure
- Specific to regions and locations
- Know species, then you know the structure
Higher-level physiognomic vegetation … for GO surrounding ecosystem
Partially merged classifications of structure and species
- Formation class, formation sub-class, species