Plant and Animals: Intraspecific relationships Flashcards
Intraspecific relationship
The relationship between different species
Links with alleopathy (influences)
States of affairs in which demand for a resource exceed its supply
Mostly common in memebers of the same species - similar requirments …… Can avoid competition by exploting other resources
Harmed and harmed
Links with Competition (influences) Links together with Antibiosis
Link to Allelopathy and biodiversity
Production by plants of biochemicals that inhibit the growth of competitors (a from of anitbiosis)
Biochemicals = allelochemicals
Diferent forms of allelochemicals: Negative alleopathy and Positive alleopathy
Negative alleopathy
Detrimental for tragest organism
Positive alleopathy
Beneficial for targeted organism
The sum total of an organisms requirment
A symbotic relationship where all species involved benefit from their interactions
helped and helped
A symbotic relationship between individuals of two species, where one species obtains food/ other beenfits from the other species without harming or benefiting them
Helped and unaffected
Links together with Allopathy
One member of the relationship is inhibited, while the other one is unaffected
Unaffected and harmed
When indivuals interact indirectly as they compete for common resources, like territory, prey, or food.
Herbivory, Predation, Parasitism, Carnivores
Helped and Harmed
Consumption of plant material by animals
One organisms kills and consumes another
A relationship betweem the 2 living species in which one organism is beenfitted at the expense of the other
Eats another animal
Vertical relationships in space with other organisms
(Reduces interspecific relationship)