plant anatomy lab practical 2 Flashcards
Are these protosteles or siphonosteles and are they primitive or advanced
protostele and primitive
What type of protostele is this and give a plant example
Actinostele, found in Psilotum. Is typical of roots and is considered primitive.
What type of protostele is this and where is it found?
Plectostele, found in Lycopodium
What type of protostele is this and where is it found?
Haplostele, found in Lygodium.
What type of stele is this?
Ectophloic Siphonostele
What type of stele is this?
amphiphloic siphonostele
What type of stele is this?
a Dictyostele, which is a disected amphiphloic siphonostele
What type of stele is this?
Eustele, which is a disected ectophloic siphonostele.
What type of stele is this?
Atactostele, which consists of scattered vascular bundles. Typical of monocots.
what type of vascular bundle is this?
Collateral bundle. Phloem is external and xylem is internal.
What type of vascular bundle is this?
Bicollateral vascular bundle; phloem is on both ends with xylem in the middle.
What type of vascular bundle is this?
amphivasal, the xylem surrounds the phloem
What type of stem is this?
A monocot stem
What are the bundle sheath and the lacuna?
The bundle sheath is sclerenchyma and the lacuna is protoxylem that has been torn out.
Is this vascular bundle open or closed?
Closed. There is no vascular cambium present, so no secondary growth is possible.
Is this vascular bundle open or closed?
Open. It has a vascular cambium, therefore secondary growth is possible.
What type of stem is this?
Herbaceous dicot stem
What type of stem is this?
A woody dicot stem
What type of stem is this?
Gymnosperm stem