plant anatomy lab practical 2 Flashcards
Are these protosteles or siphonosteles and are they primitive or advanced

protostele and primitive
What type of protostele is this and give a plant example

Actinostele, found in Psilotum. Is typical of roots and is considered primitive.
What type of protostele is this and where is it found?

Plectostele, found in Lycopodium
What type of protostele is this and where is it found?

Haplostele, found in Lygodium.
What type of stele is this?

Ectophloic Siphonostele
What type of stele is this?

amphiphloic siphonostele
What type of stele is this?

a Dictyostele, which is a disected amphiphloic siphonostele
What type of stele is this?

Eustele, which is a disected ectophloic siphonostele.
What type of stele is this?

Atactostele, which consists of scattered vascular bundles. Typical of monocots.
what type of vascular bundle is this?

Collateral bundle. Phloem is external and xylem is internal.
What type of vascular bundle is this?

Bicollateral vascular bundle; phloem is on both ends with xylem in the middle.
What type of vascular bundle is this?

amphivasal, the xylem surrounds the phloem
What type of stem is this?

A monocot stem
What are the bundle sheath and the lacuna?

The bundle sheath is sclerenchyma and the lacuna is protoxylem that has been torn out.
Is this vascular bundle open or closed?

Closed. There is no vascular cambium present, so no secondary growth is possible.
Is this vascular bundle open or closed?

Open. It has a vascular cambium, therefore secondary growth is possible.
What type of stem is this?

Herbaceous dicot stem
What type of stem is this?

A woody dicot stem
What type of stem is this?

Gymnosperm stem
What is marked by X?

A dilated phloem ray, typical of woody dicots.
What is this structure and what is it’s purpose?

A lenticel, which is a raised pore in the stem of a woody plant that allows for gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues.
Is this cross section from a monocot or a dicot?

A dicot
Is this from a monocot or a dicot leaf?

a dicot
Is this from a monocot or a dicot leaf?

a monocot
Are these leaves from monocots or dicots?

These are all examples of what kind of leaves?

What type of venation is this?

What is a paradermal section?

A cut that is parallel to the surface of an organ, such as the leaf.
what type of structure is this?

a leaf areole
What type of structure is this and what purpose does it serve?

A stomatal crypt, with trichomes inside. The stomata are on the inside and it, along with the trichomes, helps prevent dessication.
What type of cells are the arrows pointing at?

bulliform cells, used for curling up the leaf
what type of leaf is this?

Is this a hydrophyte or xerophyte? Why?

Hydrophyte. Large intercellular airspaces (aeranchyma) to help buoy it in the water.
Is this a hydrophyte or a xerophyte? Why?

Xerophyte. Sunken stomata and little to no intercellular air spaces, in order to minimize water loss.
Is this hydrophytic or xerophytic? What are the large pockets?

This plant is xerophytic. The large holes are oil canals.
What is this structure and what is the plant that it is found on?

a sporangium, found on psilotum.
What type of strobilus is this?
Heterosporous. Species example is selaginella
What type of strobilus is this?

Homosporous. Example: Lycopodium
This is an example of what kind of sporangia?

Heterosporous. Example: Isoetes
This is an example of what kind of plant and leaf arrangement?

Lycopodium; whorled
This is an example of what plant?

What species is this?

What type of stele is this and what are the tissue called that hold it in place?

Diarch stele, trabeculae
What are the white structures jutting upwards called?

Is this an antheridium or archegonium?

What type of structure is this?

A gametophyte with antheridia
Is this gametophyte homothallic or heterothallic?

What is this?

Equisetum Stem
What are the large outer holes and smaller inner holes?

outer holes are vallecular (cortical) canals and the inner holes are carinal (vascular) canals