Planning, Zoning and Environmental Hazards Flashcards
A naturally occurring mineral fiber sometimes found in older homes. It is hazardous to health when a possibility exists of exposure to inhalable fibers. Homeowners should be alert for friable asbestos and always seek professional advice in dealing with it.
Buffer Zone
A strip of land that separates one land use from another.
Building Code
A systematic regulation of construction of buildings within a municipality established by ordinance or law.
Building Inspection
An inspection performed by a building inspector in order to make a professional judgment about whether a building meets building code requirements.
Building Permit
An official approval issued by the local government agency that allows a construction or remodeling project to proceed.
Certificate of Occupancy
A document issued by local government after satisfactory inspection authorizing occupation of a structure.
A provision in Florida’s Growth Policy Act that requires water and waste treatment facilities needed to support new populations be in place before new development is allowed.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
A document that details the effect proposed development will have on the surroundings.
Health Ordinance
A public health rule adopted by the governing bodies of local governments, either counties or cities.
Nonconforming Use
A permitted use of real property that was lawfully established and maintained at the time of its original construction but that no longer conforms to the current zoning law.
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
A residential project with mixed land uses and high residential density.
Special Exception
A special exception seeks permission to do something that the zoning ordinance permits only under certain special circumstances, e.g., a retail store over 5000 square feet is permitted in the zone so long as certain parking, drainage and design criteria are met.
Special Flood Hazard Area
An area identified by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as an area with a special flood or mudflow, and/or flood related erosion hazard, as shown on a flood hazard boundary map or flood insurance rate map.
Authorization to improve or develop a particular property in a way that is not authorized by current zoning.
Zoning Ordinance
A statement regarding the type of use permitted under each zoning classification and specific requirements for compliance.