Planning Practice Flashcards
What is the LBCS color coding standard?
Yellow = residential Red = commercial Purple = industrial Blue = social, institutional or infrastructure uses Green = agricultural, forestry, open space Gray = Transportation, utilities Brown = multifamily
Organizational Structures
1) Function: organized around basic functions of urban decision making such as land use and transpo
2) Process: organized around the basic skills in a planning agency such as research and design
3) Time Frame: organized around the time it takes to complete the basic functions (long range v current)
4) Geographic Area: organized around the physical areas of responsibility of the agency
Reserve Funds
funds that are accumulated in advance for capital purchase or construction
3 C’s of State Transportation Planning
- Continuing
- Comprehensive
- Collaborative
Legal Descriptions of land
- Metes and Bounds
- Rectangular Survey
- Lot and Block (recorded plat)
Net land area
Entire site less undevelopable area
Metro Planning Org, has “effective control” over transportation improvements. MPO is required by law in urban areas over 50,000 if fed funds are used
Transferable Development Rights (TDRs)
Allows property owners with limited dev rights to buy additional rights from another property owner
Performance standards/zoning
- establish objective thresholds and max limits of land use.
- regulates the character of the use instead of regulating the use itself
Exclusive Classification Zoning
Allows no uses in districts other than uses for which they were created
Cumulative Zoning
Having permitted uses automatically build from one district to each succeeding one
- Also called pyramid zoning
local gov prepares specs for needed PW project that is then constructed by the private sector and leased to the gov. AT end of lease term, it is given to the gov.
Arterial street
Provides through traffic on a continuous route joining major traffic generators and other arterials, freeways and expressways. Carry highest traffic volumes, and provide minimal land access.
Provides service for internal traffic movement within an area and connects local streets to arterial streets. Direct access to land.
PRovides for traffic movement within an area primarily for direct access to abutting properties.
Delphi Method
Questionnaires sent to groups of experts
Fishbowl Planning
workshop formats people work through proposals
V/C (Volume to Capacity ratio)
This ratio indicates carrying capacity of a roadway and level of congestion. A v/c of 1 indicates a poor level of service.
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS)
A system that focuses on planning, not budgeting, and is organized by program. All programs put through quant analysis, and extended into the future.
Strategic Plan
Focuses on a limited issue or project, is developed through an open process and SWOT analysis. Resources to achieve goals are identified.
Management by Objective (MBO)
Peter Drucker developed system in 1950s. System requires a goal and objective setting process between administrator and employees, and tries to cultive a mutual collab/coop in the achievement of organizational purposes.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
A scheduling technique and decision-making tool designed to achieve objectives in which time is a critical factor.
Who is responsible for flood protection planning?
The US Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for flood protection planning, partnering with city and state organizations.
What is a wellhead protection area?
s a surface and subsurface land area regulated to prevent contamination of a well or well-field supplying a public water system. An ordinance protecting this would address primary, secondary and tertiary recharge areas.
What must be included in a hazard mitigation plan?
The Hazard mitigation act requires communities identify natural hazards, assess the risks, and set community goals.
Describe growth management
The regulation of the character, location, and timing of development. Growth Mgmt programs include urban growth and urban service boundaries, development impact fees, and regional tax sharing
What is conservation zoning?
It requires the clustering of homes while preserving open space. Similar to cluster zoning.
Capital Improvement Plan
The CIP is typically a five to seven year plan for planning and funding public facilities and infrastructure. It includes both the construction of new facilities and the rehabilitation or replacement of existing capital facilities.
shift-share analysis
This analysis helps to determine what portions of regional economic growth or decline can be attributed to national, economic industry, and regional factors. The analysis helps identify industries where a regional economy has competitive advantages over the larger economy.