Planning for Rios urban poor Flashcards
What is quality of life?
the extent to which a person is comfortable, healthy and able to enjoy life.
What is the Favela Bairro project?
1995- 2009, was a $1 billion slum to neighbourhood project that aimed to integrate Rio’s Favelas into the city by addressing issues such as land ownership, infrastructure and service supply.
How many residents and communities did the scheme involve?
250,000 residents in 73 communities
What did the Favela Barrio project do to address economic issues?
-Inhabitants can apply to own their properties legally, encouraging them to improve their housing
-Access to credit to allow people to buy materials to improve homes
What did the Favela Barrio project do to address social issues?
-Daycare and after-school care enabling adults to seek secure employment
-improving adult literacy rates to increase employment opportunities and incomes
-medical services for drug addiction, alcoholism and victims of domestic violence
What did the Favela Barrio project do to address environemntal issues?
-replacement of wooden building with brick making them permanent and less likely to be damaged by water
-removal of houses from dangerous steep slopes
-infrastructure improvements (water, sanitation and electricity)
-widening and paving of streets to allow access for waste collection and emergencies
List the successes of the Favela Barrio project
-By 2005, 100 favelas had been improved
-training available in hygiene, computing and community development
-residents had been granted land ownership
- roads had been paved
-new childcare centre opened
What was created in the Complexo do Alemao?
-A cable car system, 3.5km of public transport transporting people across the favelas
- Described as the most ambitious squatter settlement in the world, the scheme has been recognised as a model by the UN and has been used in other Brazilian cities
What issues have occurred from the Favela Barrio project?
- training for employment has had limited success as most residents lacked basic literacy skills
- credit schemes were not widely available
- some of the new infrastructure was costly and not maintained
- new elevated pavements caused rainwater to flood homes
- morality from diseases such a malaria had not improved
- rents have risen in some of the improved favelas
What happened after 2009?
- In 2010, the Brazilian government announced a massive upgrade project as a legacy of the Olympic Games.
What was the new project called in 2010?
Morar Carioca Programme
What did the Morar Carioca Programme aim to do?
-improve over 800 favelas by installing water, sanitation and drainage systems as well as improving roads and social services
Why has progress of the Morar Carioca Programme been slow?
conflicts have risen where people have been forced to move out of areas and there are higher rents in improved areas.