an indirect extra coronal restoration that replaces missing tooth structure and restores form function and aesthetics
indications for crowns
compromise structure tooth surface loss hypoplastic conditions and atypical shape to alter and correct occlusion part of another restortion restore missing function appearance
contraindications of crowns
- other more conservative restorative options are viable
- poor and unstable oral hygiene
- compromise structure with a very poor prognosis eg very broken down tooth and caries extending sub gingivally
- lack of retention or resistance form
- active and unstable perio disease (tooth may deteriorate further)
- endodontic (untreated) disease (or If endo has compromised the tooth structure)
- active and unstable caries
planning for crowns
comprehensive assessment
critical thinking and decision making
planning of clinical and lab stages
tooth status to assess
disease status (endo, perio, caries, restorative) structural status restorative status strategic importance occlisal considerations
mouth condition to asses
plaque calculus and inflammation
risk factors. - plaque control sugar intake ect
status of other teeth
soft tissue conditions
aesthetics to consider
colour contour outline symmetry proportion soft tissue harmony
endodontic status
sensibility prior to crown prep
preoperative periapical radiograph
assess size and depth of current restorations
role of tooth
- does it provide contact
provide guidance
important in posterior support?
periodontal factors
level of disease status
level of support
risk factors and control of these
conformative vs reorganisation approach
conform to exhisting occlusal rx in ICP
recognise to new occlusal relationship in RCP - all tooth contacts resegined
tooth borne indirect fixed prothesis which is used for the replacement of one or more missing teeth
indications for bridges
replacement of missing teeth and restoration of edentulous areas
reasons for tooth loss
caries perio D trauma hypodontia tooth wear/TSL oral cancer iatrogenic
types of bridges
fixed fixed fixed movable full coverage cantilevered resin bonded cantilevered implant retained
planning for the partially dentate options to restore
no prosthetic treatment RPD conventional tooth supported RPD implant supported RPD bridge
risk of no prosthetic treatmetn for partially dentate
over eruption and tiliting of the adjacnet teeth