alternative tx of veneers
veneer defintion
layer of tooth coloured material that is applied to a tooth to restore loacalised or generalised defects and intrinsic discolouraions
indications for veneer
colour defects or abnormalities eg amelgenesis imperfacta abnormalities of shape abnormal structure or texture mispositioning diastema correct anterior guidance lengthening
contra indications for veneers
insufficient surface enamel pulpless teeth unsuitable occlusion para function rg bruxism unsuitable anatomical morhpholohy heavily restored dentition single veneers if struggle to match colour
smile analysis
shape of face
size of lips
visible coronal and gingival levels at rest ect
harmony and proportion of
- cervical line
line and incissal edges
lip line
tooth clour (hue , value , chroma) shape, incisal edge, contour ect
why do you need to make occlusal marks when looking at occlusion (with articulating paper)
placement of margins on occlusal marks will cause resin wear and unsuppoorted ceramic to chip
- margins cannot be coninciding with occlusion)
how to demonstrate the proposed aesthetic changes
diagnostic wax ups (impressions , model casts )
direct placement of composite resin (no bond or etch)
diagnostic wax up and matrix and protemp
computer imageing
what to discuss with pt when deciding
ad and dis of each option
informed consent - post op sensitivity
short and long term maintenance
financial implications
clinical exam before plannign tx
- OHI, caries, failed restorations
- periodontal status
- endo status
- smile analysis
- occlusal analysis – centric r, protrusive, lateral
- must not coincide with veneer margins (otherwise wear of margins and wear of resin, unsupported ceramic which will fracture)