Planning and Risk Assessment Flashcards
Before the appointment
Ethical Issues
Level of Risk
Client: integrity
Present Auditors
Obtain permission to contact previous auditor
If not given then refuse the engagemtn
If there are any professional or ethical reasons
not to accept appoitnment
Review their responses
Preconditions of an Audit?
Is the FR framework acceptable?
Consider the entity & the purpose of the FS
Perhaps, also, laws say which FR framework should be used
Do Management accept their responsibilities?
For preparing FS
For internal controls
For giving the auditor all relevant information they request
If not
Engagement Letter
Confirms understanding between auditor and those charges with governance
Objective and scope of the audit
Responsibitliy of auditor
Responsibility of mangaement
Financial reporting framework
Expectation of providing written representation
Access to information to be allowed
Restrictions to the auditors liability
Reference to inherent limitations of an audit
Deadlines and confidentiality
Expectations of management representations
Basis of fees
Why is Audit Planning/Strategy important?
Problems and deal with them on a timely basis
E fficient and effective: Organise the engagemnt
Risky areas
T Team competence to respone to anticipated risks
What are the sources of information when planning an audit
Prior year financial statement: policies, opinion was modified or not
Prior year auditors: Key issues and approach
Prior year report to mangagement: defifienceies
Accounting systems: control risk
Discussions with managemet: accounting policies
Review of Board minutes: key issues
Company website: background that would identify risks
Financial statemnts of competitors: asessing performance for going concern
What is Audit Timing
Interim Audit
Final Audit

Professional Skepticism
It is “An attitude that includes a questioning mind,
being alert to conditions which may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud,
and a critical assessment of audit evidence”