Audit Framework and Regulation Flashcards
What is the objective of an audit?
Auditor to state an opinion on wheter the FS’s
give a true and fair view
records are accurate and complete
accordance with financial reporting framework
in all material aspects
What are the levels of assurance?
- sufficient evidence that the subject matter agrees to certain criteria
- high level of assurance
positive assurance
- Sufficne evidecne that the subject matter is plausabli in the circumstances
- moderate level of assurance
- Negattive assurance
When isn’t the auditor aapoint by the shareholders?
If first appointment - made by directors because wont have a GM.
vacancy - When current auditor resigns
normal reappointment
How is an auditor removed?
By majority at a general meeting
Resignation - submit statement stating circumstances
Auditors responsibility in resignation
Statement stating cirucmstances
reply to requests for clearance from new auditors
Auditors rights when resigning
request for extraordinary general meeting to explain circumstances of resignation
- require company to circulate notice of circumstances relating to resignation
Definition of True and Fair
Information is factual and conforms with reality
Complies with accounting standards and any relevant legislation
Data is correctly transferred from accounting records to the FS
Information is clear, impartial and unbiased
Reflects plainly the commercial substance of the transactiosn
Types of Audit
records are accurate and complete
accordance with financial reporting framework
in all material aspects
Non statutory
Auditor review the financial statemens with less evidence thatn required for an audit
Review Engagement
Something you want assurance over.
Value for money review
Review of internal controls
System reliability reports
Risk assessment repots
Social environmental reports
Levels of assurance
sufficient evidence that the subject matter agrees to certain criteria.
high level of assurance
Positive Assurance
prepared in accordance with the criteria required)
there’s sufficient evidence that the subject matter is plausible in the circumstances
moderate level of assurance
Negative Assurance not been prepared in line with the relevant criteria)
Principles Auditor must follow
Accountability: holding those in charge responsible for explaining actions
Agency: perform tasks on behalf of principle
directors agents of shareholders
Steward: responsible for taking care of something on behalf
directors steward shareholders porperty
Be straightforward and honest in all professional relationships
No bias or conflict of interest influencing your business judgements
Professional Competence & Due Care
Keep up your professional knowledge and skill so as to give a competent professional service, using current developments and techniques
Act diligently and within appropriate standards when providing professional services
Don’t disclose any confidential information to third parties without proper and specific authority
You can, however, if there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose
Obviously never use it for personal advantage of yourself or third parties
Professional behaviour
requires accountants to comply with the law and avoid any actions which discredit the profession.
Auditor rights
The right of access to all accounting books and records at all times.
The right to all information and explanations (from management) necessary for the proper conduct of the audit.
The right to receive notice of all meetings of the shareholders (such as the annual general meeting) and to attend those meetings.
The right to speak at shareholders’ meetings on matters affecting the audit or the auditor.
Development of ISA
Task force
Public meeting
Public comment
Receive comments
Approval by IAASB
Sturcutre of the audit committee
At least one member of the committee should have recent and relevant financial experience.
There should be at least 3 non executive directors. In the case of smaller companies, this may be 2.
Role of audit comittee
To improve the quality of financial reporting
To increase the confidence of the public in the financial statements.
Assist directors in meeting their responsibilities in respect of financial reporting.
Provide a channel to external auditors to report concerns or issues.
Review the company’s system of internal controls.
Strengthen the position of internal audit by providing greater independence from management.
Appointment of external auditor.
Advantages of audit comittee
Advantages of a committee
Independent Reporting
Provides internal audit with an independent reporting mechanism. Without this management may be tempted to hide unfavourable reports.
Frees up Executive time
Leaves top executives free to manage by providing expertise on financial reporting
Corporate Governance monitored
Ensures that corporate governance requirements are brought to attention of the board
Appropriate Internal Controls
Should ensure that an appropriate system of internal control is maintained.
Better Communication
Better communication between the directors, external audit and management is facilitated.
Strengthens external audit independence
Strengthens independence of external audit as their appointment is now not made by the board.
Disadvantages of audit comittee
Executive directors may perceive it as a threat to their authority.
Finding non executive directors with appropriate expertise may be difficult.
Additional costs will be involved.
Too much detail may be thrust upon non executive directors.
Communication with the audit committee
Why does the external auditor speak first to the Audit Committee?
To ensure independence between the board and the audit firm.
The audit committee consists of independent NEDs, who can therefore take an objective view of the audit report.
The audit committee has more time to review the audit report and other communications (eg management letters) than the board.
The auditor should therefore benefit from their reports being reviewed carefully
The audit committee can ensure that any recommendations from the auditor are implemented.
The NEDs can pressurise the board to taking action on auditor recommendations
The audit committee also has more time to review the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of the external auditor than the board.
The committee can therefore make recommendations on the re-appointment of the auditor, or recommend a different firm if this is appropriate