Planning and pre-contract searches and enquiries Flashcards
What searches and enquiries must always be carried out?
- LLC1 (Local Land Charges Act 1975)
- CON29 (planning and building regs - applications that have been refused too)
- Highways search (boundary of prop abuts public highway?)
- Drainage and Water Search - residential CON 29DW; commercial properties will usually opt for the tailored searches offered by water companies as liability for incorrect replies is much higher. Water Industry Regs (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) 2011 = ownership of all private sewers and lateral drains connected to public sewerage now
responsibility of statutory sewerage undertakers. - Desktop environmental search (Law Soc practice note requires sols to undertake) buyers will be liable for clean up if land contaminated. CON29 only shows if notices served.
Phase 1 = desktop and site visit
Phase 2 = testing soil and water samples - Commercial Property Standard Enquiries/ CPSE.1 (extensive but also mainly useful to throw up unregistered 3rd party interests) usually sent buy seller’s sol at beginning. Cannot use phrase ‘not so far as seller is aware’ as amounts to assertion seller made reasonable investigations. But cannot deliberately mislead.
H/e caveat emptor applies.
- Chancel repair search
- SIM - any 3rd party titles reg’d against the property? i.e. leases
Describe what needs to be borne in mind re Chancel Repair searches and pre and post 13/10/2003?
If medieval church in area may be liable for tithes! Mostly a potential in rural areas.
After 13th October 2003: only properties that were transferred for valuable consideration on or after the relevant date can transfer free of liability if no notice on Charges reg.
Thus if not transferred for valuable consideration since the relevant date risk of notice to protect chancel repair liability being placed on title. (e.g. parent co transfers to subsidiary for nil consideration).
Also if not for valuable consideration pre 13th Oct 2003 then notice can still be placed on title until transfer for valuable consideration occurs!
Thus between exchange and completion dangerous as buyer bound! OS1 essential and chancel repair search before exchange!
Insurance should also be bought.
What fundamental principle is contained in s.57(1) Town and Country Planning Act 1990?
Planning permission is required for ‘development’.
s.55(TCPA) 1990 defines ‘development’ as what?
Development is two limbed and therefore planning permission (s.57(1)) may be required for both elements.
a) the carrying out of building, engineering, mining etc in, on, over or under land.
b) the making of any material change in use of any buildings or other land
What three types of building works are there in terms of sanction by statute?
Building works which do not constitute development and therefore do not require planning permission. (55(2)(a) TCPA.
Building works which do constitute development, but are ‘permitted development’ per the GPDO. They are automatically permitted. (h/e LAs have the power to disapply).
Part 1 of Sch 2 - permitted residential.
Part 2 of Sch 2 - permitted commercial (much more restricted).
Building works that fall outside of these…
What building works do not constitute ‘development’?
Per 55(2)(a) building works that do not constitute development and thus do not require planning permission are those that:
- only affect the interior of the building OR do not materially affect the exterior appearance
- do not provide additional space underground
Does interior work, external work not materially affecting appearance and work that does not create space underground constitute development?
Thus can be carried out without application for planning permission!
What does s.55(1A) state does constitute building works?
- demolition of buildings
- rebuilding
- structural alterations or additions to buildings
- other operations normally undertaken by a person carrying on business as a builder
What must you refer to if for e.g. a residential client wishes to build an extension?
So per 55(1A) this does constitute ‘building works’ which per 57(1) planning permission is required. However, Part 1 of Sch 2 of the GPDO may automatically permit this.
Part 1 (development within curtilage of a dwellinghouse) Class A permits the ‘enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwellinghouse’ subject to restrictions on sq footage and height.
What part of the GPDO must you refer to if your commercial client wishes to carry out building works?
Part 2 Schedule 2 of GPDO 2015.
What must you also check and where to ensure that development is permitted?
Check if an Article 4 direction has been made by the LA via a LLC1. If so this means the GPDO has been disapplied and planning permission will be required.
What part of the GPDO permits material changes of use without need for planning application?
Where are the use classes defined?
Part 3 of Schedule 2 GPDO sets out the changes between use classes that are automatically permitted.
The use classes are defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987.
What must the buyer’s sol check in regards to planning permissions?
Think past breach; past and continuing and future intended works/ use.
You will need to raise pre-contract enquiries of the seller’s sol as well as via the CON29 to discover the following:
Must ensure all planning documentation relevant to the purchase is seen and checked prior to exchange of contracts!
The seller will have to correct planning irregularities and this may need to be a clause itself.
Past works or changes of use? If in breach and still extant at time of purchase, must ensure planning permission was obtained and if not get retrospective consent. n.b. enforcement periods???????
What does section 171B TCPA lay out?
Time limits for enforcement notices made against breach of planning permission or lack thereof.
What is the time limit for enforcement against building works done w/o planning permission?
Time limit for material change of use of dwelling house?
4 years following substantial completion of the works.
4 years from date of the change.