Planning and performing engagements SFQ QB Flashcards
Planned procedures for a review engagement
Limited to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures
Does a review engagement plan to obtain less evidence than an external audit engagement?
Difference on how bank reconciliations are reviewed in a review vs external audit
Review: inquiries on old or unusual reconciling items
External: trace a sample of reconciling items to supporting documentation
What would an external audit do with a bank reconciliaition?
obtain evidence of items that should be included to ensure they are
What would a review engagement do with bank reconciliation
make inquiries regarding transfers between bank accounts
Is a bank confirmation letter obtained for an external or review engagement?
External audit
Audit procedures to address the risk of management override of internal control:
Substantiate journal entries
Investigate reconciling items
Review significant accounting estimates and judgement for bias
investigate transactions outside the normal course of business
review internal auditor report
interview management to assess attitude
review minutes
ISA UK240 management override … procedures
testing journal entries to ensure appropriate
review of accounting estimates
scrutinising significant and unusual transactions
How can going concern impact the financial statements
- appropriate basis of preparation?
- is there disclosure of uncertainty?
Sale product contaminated - financial statement impact
refunds for returns
irrecoverable trade receivables
inventory written off
Anti-malware not updated: possible consequences
- hackers
- deliberate sabotage
- malicious programs
- reputational damage
What should an audit committee consider to internal audit function:
- planned programme of work
- arrangement for direction and supervision
- completed reports
- independence and objectivity
Audit committee: performance indicators to use on internal audit
- actual time compared to budget
- actual work compared to planned
- number of recommendations accepted
- no. of qualified staff
Five benefits of using data analytics software
- enhances quality
- up to 100% review, minimises risk
- timing
- trends and patterns
-outlying transactions - comparison of ratios to industry benchmarks to identify unusual trans.