Concluding and reporting on engagements Flashcards
Consequences of purchase orders against policy
duplicate orders
unauthorised suppliers
terms/prices less favourable
purchase of unauthorised non-business goods/services
Recommendations for breach in policy on PO
- all sig purchase orders over pre-determined limit to be placed by buying department
- employees in breach to be informed in writing
-company policy circulated and signed - all suppliers informed
Matters - unaudited client opening balances
Check b/f
review client WP prior year
Check accounting policy
changes disclosed
substantive work on OB where no alternative
ISA UK 710 - state comparative not audited
disclosure of lack of audit
integrity of accounting system?
ISA UK 710 - Opening balances when no comparatives requires:
auditor to report comparative figures not audited
Further information for disagreement over TR balances
- amount of cheque confirms to balance outstanding
- cheque received, banked and posted after year end
- confirm as acceptable timing difference in conclusion
Further information for promised credit note:
- provided for at year end = acceptable timing difference
- not provide = error in in conclusion
- isolated?
- extrapolate?
Inability to obtain audit evidence for £250k materiality £200k
-qualified opinion - inability to obtain sufficient audit evidence
Qualified opinion - inability to obtain sufficient audit evidence sentence:
“except for possible effects of the matter described in the basis for qualified opinion section of our report, the financial statement give…”
Inability to obtain audit evidence for £250k balance but £15k materiality
disclaimer of opinion
Disclaimer of opinion sentence
“we do not express an opinion on accompanying financial statements”
Going concern - but can continue for foreseeable future
- statement of relevant facts
- nature of concern
- assumptions made in using going concern basis
- plans and actions taken
Not considered a going concern:
- not prepared on going concern basis (break up)
- assets written down to recoverable amounts
- liabilities reassessed
reclassified to short-term
Subsequent events review - TR customer went into liquidation
- provision?
- outstanding amount received since since reporting date?
- correspondence with liquidator
- additional goods despatched?
- impact on going concern
Going concern adopted but there is a mention that going concern may be considered not appropriate
- unmodified opinion if considered adequate
- material uncertainty related to going concern paragraph
- draws users attention
- statement that opinion not modified in this report
- if inadequate or disagree - modified opinion
Whether to rely on written representations of managing director statement for cash when sales conducted on cash basis
internal controls in place
segregation of duties
whether GP% in line with industry sector
Integrity/attitude of MD
Lifestyle of MD in relation to stated income
Whether audit testing is consistent
Inconsistency with directors report and audit finding
- discuss with director
- is inconsistency legitimate
- if auditor understanding incomplete does further audit evidence need to be obtained
- if directors refuse, consider whether this raises doubt on integrity
- bring matter to attention of audit partner
- ask directors to seek legal consultation if not resolved
- notify directors in writing of concerns
- obtain own legal advice
- use right to be heard at AGM to notify shareholders
- final resort: consider resignation
Implication on auditor report when inconsistency with director report
Describe in “opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006” section
Auditors are also required to include a section headed “matters on which we are required to report by exception”
describe misstatement
Matters to included in assurance report to directors of Bilko
responsibility of management
responsibility of practitioner
what is the responsibility of management in an assurance engagement?
- prepare financial information
Responsibilities of practitioner in an assurance engagement
- provide limited assurance
- free from material misstatements
- limited to enquiries and analytical procedures
- do not express audit opinion
- reference to standards
What standards do we reference in an assurance engagement
ISRE 2400 Engagement to review historical financial statements
What conclusion do we express in an assurance engagement
- negative conclusion
- “nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying financial statements do not give a true and fair view”