Planning and Performance Flashcards
What is TORA?
Usable length of the Runway suitable for the ground run (usually physical length of the runway)
What is TORR?
Take off run required. Measured to Vr plus 1/3 of distance between Vr and screen height.
What is the Clearway?
It is the obstacle free area at the end of the runway. Minimum dimensions of 75m either side of the centre line.
What is TODA?
It is the usable runway + Clearway.
What is TODR?
It is the all engine operating acceleration to Vr then at least V2 at the screen height (35ft dry or 15ft wet). It is usually factored by 15%.
What is TOSS?
It is the Take Off Safety Speed. V2.
What is the screen height?
Dry = 35ft Wet = 15ft
What is the stopway?
It is the unprepared surface capable of supporting the aircraft.
What is ASDA?
It is the usable runway + stopway.
When does a ‘balanced field’ exist?
What is VMU?
Minimum Unstick Speed.
What is VMCG?
Minimum Control Speed Ground.
What is VMCA?
Minimum Control Speed Air.
What is VMBE?
Maximum Break Energy Speed.
What is V1?
Decision speed.
What is V2?
Takeoff Safety Speed.
What is V3?
All engine operating takeoff climb speed achieved at screen height.
What is V4?
All engine operating takeoff climb speed achieved by 400ft.
What is Vs?
Stall speed.
What is Va?
Manoeuvring speed.
Red and white alternating light at the end of the runway indicate what distance?
900m (3000’)
Red only lights at the end of the runway indicate what distance remaining?
300m (1000’)
What is an ADIZ?
Air Defence Identification Zone. The area of space over land and water, extending upward from the surface, within which the ready identification, the location and the control of aircraft are required in the interest of national security.
How is RVR reported?
It is reported at up to three points - touch down, mid point and stop end.