Planning Flashcards
Who determines landscape level goals ?
- Government (MFLRNO)
- Public to a lesser extent since the gov’t acts on behalf of the public. (95 % of BC’s harvestable land base is crown land)
In what way does the BC gov’t establish landscape level objectives?
- Establishes resource objectives for managing and protecting forest values. (Provincial)
- Coordinates “higher level” strategic plans (Regional)
- Sets operational planning and practice requirements for landscape and site level plans developed by a Land Manager.
- Assesses implementation through compliance and enforcement staff.
What act outlines land use objectives?
Where are the objectives located?
how are the objectives enabled?
The Land Act
- objectives found in the FRPA regulations. WPPR woodlot licence planning practices regulation.
- enabled through other legislation
Differentiate strategic planning from operational planning
Strategic: Appropriate social, environmental and economic uses of Crown land. *Broad principles and strategies
Operational: Specific strategies and practices consistent with objectives. Ex. Forest Stewardship Plans, Woodlot License Plans, Site level plans
What are broad level “strategic land use” plans designed to do?
Give some examples
Designed to resolve conflicts, gather public interest, identify current and future opportunities.
Ex. Strategic Land ResourcePlans (SLRP)
Regional Land Use Plans(RLUP)
Land Resource Management Plan (LRMP)
What is the land use plan used by Vancouver Island?
Outlines objectives for protected areas, Special management zones, General management zones, Enhanced Forestry zones
What’s in a Strategic land use plan?
- objectives, strategies and implementation tasks
- mostly built by stakeholders that provide social direction to gov’t and industry
- First Nations input
- subject to review by public
Most strategic land use plans use a zoning approach. Define the 4 basic zones that might come up.
Protected areas: National parks/ ecological reserves
Special Management: Management priorities must conform to identified environmental, social, cultural and recreational values
General: Standard IRM defined by the 11 FRPA values
Enhanced Forestry: managed to produced higher volumes and values of timber while respecting environmental standards. (Harvesting, reforestation, silviculture)
What are some silviculture apps in an enhanced forestry zone?
Early intervention
What is the main operational plan?
* Forest development units, 5 year term (can be ext. to 10)
- strategies developed to meet FRPA objectives (stocking standards, invasive plant measures etc)
- Meet Forest Planning and Practice Regulation
What are some other operational plans?
WLP: simplified FSP
Cutting Permits: Gov’t authorization to harvest timber
Road Permits: Gov’t authorization to clear and build roads
Site Plans: Replaced silviculture prescriptions under FRPA,
show planned roads and cutblocks,
specify strategies for meeting standards,
available to public on request.
What act governs private land?
What are some of the objectives?
Privat managed forest land act.
Objectives in PMFLA: Soil conservation, Water quality, Fish habitat, Critical wildlife habitat, Reforestation
What is forest planning
- Determines and expresses the management objectives of the landowner (Gov’t, community, private etc)
- Outlines the steps that must be taken to acheive the goals and objectives while setting intermediate targets that reasonably assure that the objectives will be completed.
- Important to plan at various scales