Planets - Ruler/Exaltation/Detriment/Fall Flashcards
What is the difference between ruler and exaltation
ruler - at home/comfortable with expressing the ruler energies - but does not feel it HAS to.
exaltation - is an excess or like an amplification of that energy, performs effortlessly and in the ways that we expect it to. When a planet is exalted, it’s as if the sign is elevating its function.
What is detriment/fall
Fall in astrology is the sign that a planet tends to struggle in, but holds great wisdom about. Sometimes there is shame connected with a planet in detriment (or fall) — like the way you are is not okay, because it doesn’t fit into the storybook vision of how that planet is “supposed to” operate. However, each one of these placements does something special and unique. They have the missing piece to the domicile/ruler and the exaltation. They are the counterbalance. The sun, for example, is considered to be in detriment in Aquarius. This bestows Aquarius with its understanding that no one can be bright and shiny all the time, and that we don’t have to be. While the sun in domicile thinks of the itself as special and deserving of praise (godlike, even), the sun in detriment understands that everyone is special and no one is special; we are all just human.
On the more challenging side, planets in detriment and fall can have a hard time expressing the energy of that planet, and can sometimes feel misunderstood. planets in detriment can show how and where we feel like we don’t quite have the tools to thrive. However, this also results in unique and sometimes creative expressions of the planet’s essence.
detriment can speak to LOTS of energy being required and used up just to keep afloat, never feeling like you are progressing or even doing anything, kind of like a cadent house
a planet in detriment doesnt guarantee hardship though, lots depends on where it is and the aspects it has to other points, and the condition of the ruler of whatever sign its in
Sun in leo
ruler/domicile Sun
moon in cancer
ruler/domicile Moon
mercury in gemini
ruler/domicile mercury
mercury in virgo
ruler/domicile mercury
venus in taurus
ruler/domicile venus
venus in libra
ruler/domicile libra
mars in scorpio
ruler/domicile scorpio
mars in aries
ruler/domicile aries
jupiter in pisces
ruler/domicile pisces
jupiter in sagittarius
ruler/domicile sagittarius
saturn in Aquarius
ruler/domicile Aquarius
saturn in capricorn
ruler/domicile Capricorn
uranus in Aquarius
ruler/domicile Aquarius
neptune in pisces
ruler/domicile pisces
pluto in scorpio
ruler/domicile scorpio
sun in aries
exalt aries
moon in taurus
exalt taurus
mercury in aquarius
exalt Aquarius
venus in pisces
exalt pisces
mars in Capricorn
exalt capricorn
saturn in libra
exalt libra
jupiter in cancer
exalt cancer
uranus in scorpio
exalt scorpio
neptune in cancer
exalt cancer
sun in detriment/fall
sun in Aquarius / libra
moon in detriment/fall
moon in capricorn/scorpio
mercury in detriment/fall
mercury in pisces/sagittarius
venus in detriment/fall
venus in scorpio/aries … virgo
mars in detriment/fall
mars in libra/taurus …. cancer
jupiter in detriment/fall
jupiter in gemini/virgo …capricorn
saturn in detriment/fall
saturn in leo/cancer …aries
uranus in detriment/fall
uranus in leo… taurus
neptune in detriment/fall
neptune in virgo…capricorn
pluto in detriment
pluto in taurus
explain venus in taurus/libra/pisces
These placements increase the ease of relationships, financial matters, and overall life enjoyment.
venus in taurus - eye for beauty, aesthetics
venus in libra - seeing the best in other people
venus in pisces - boundless love, allowing love to flow, transcendent love
explain venus in virgo
virgo is picky and wants things to be perfect. BUT perfect love, loves that which is not perfect
- they can be criticizing, pointing out the flaws - not to be mean, but because they want to help another person improve
- may be shy and cautious in love, and it’s not easy for this placement to open their heart and let people in. When they do, they’ll make themselves as indispensable as possible in order to protect their heart.
- wants someone who is willing to work on themselves
- picky on who they love, i.e. who they want to help
- Virgo Venus does fall in love but intentionally resists the love without any work/challenge
- For Virgo Venus, to fall in love, work is required. Falling in love without any work may scare them
- Virgo Venus loves doing whatever it takes to help their lover feel better to have a better day to grow into a better person. But we won’t boast about what we did, in fact, we always help our lovers in silence. Then we wait for our lovers acknowledgment of our efforts. If our lovers failed to recognize that, we would feel sad. We will just retreat in silence.
TIPS for a Virgo Venus -
- stop thinking and analyzing what happened or will happen. But instead focus on what is happening with my significant other, read the mood and act accordingly. Basically use my senses more than my head.
- Understand that love is an experience not a project. For Virgo venus, to break up means for a project to fail, and it’s just unacceptable. Virgo venus does whatever it takes to keep it working. It’s extremely hard for Virgo Venus to accept that love is just an experience, it’s not a project, just don’t overwork on it.
- Love is an experience of two people - not a self-improvement project - even though we grow personally when we love, growth isn’t necessarily the end goal of love. The end goal of love is to accept. Once a Virgo venus agree to that (for Virgo Venus, everything needs to be rational), it will become more relaxing, less demanding, more courageous to fall in love and accept love.
explain venus in scorpio
They tend to be a little skeptical when it comes to love and want to make sure they’re with someone they can truly be comfortable with before letting their guard down. Venus in Scorpio may be so skeptical due to relationship issues in the past and wary of things like lies, betrayal, and mistrust. Might also be jealous, possessive and controlling in relationships (lower octave) - the higher octave of venus in scorpio is “ride or die” energy, full on commitment, “till death do us part”, wanting to merge with another
explain venus in aries
- the energy of venus (sweet, pleasant, calm) has a hard time expressing itself in the sign of aries
- might have commitment issues, impulsive and can be self-centred in love/relationships - which may not be a bad thing. can bring issues to light which is beneficial for mutual growth
- likes freedom and space in relationships
- independent, won’t take any bullshit or manipulation
- fall in love fast, fall out of love fast
- loves a good chase
- gotta give them something to keep the fire going
- We get bored fast and if you can’t keep up, you’ll get left. you are a passionate communicater, and do whatever it is for the person you love. you’ll move heaven and Earth for the person that you truly love. People just don’t earn that treatment. We do have the proclivity to be flighty though but that’s only because again, we get bored easily, but we normally communicate this in the beginning phases. You want your partner to be open to trying new things. You want them to be upfront and honest. Of course you focus on what you are getting out of the relationship. If your needs aren’t being met, why would you just sit there and eat that? Shouldn’t EVERYONE get what they desire out of a relationship?
(Similar qualities if venus is squaring mars or is conjunct)
explain the sun in Aquarius
the sun is about the individual, the self, the spotlight - so you go from letting things be distinct and separate so you can shine and walk your path (Leo), to bringing in all perspectives and mixing them in your mind (aquarius). so its not the preferred setting for the sun because there’s more attention on the environment and undefined / invisible forces (like air) as opposed to singular tangible forces like fire
like if the sun wants to be the center of the universe, its like it gets to be the center in leo and then aquarius reminds him of ‘the universe’. its like it hurts the suns ego.
Aquas see the group instead of a self. Leos function as the self, but aquas cannot help but see the group first. Their self is so underdeveloped they might not ever become the Self. Instead, they live in The Whole. The Community.
explain the sun in Libra
Libra Suns only feel like a real person when they can see themself through someone else’s eyes. As a result, they can struggle with feelings of falseness or emptiness, feeling like they’re more of a person-shaped void that puts on well crafted masks, because they have trouble seeing and identifying their internal world because they contextualize their identity purely in relationship.
explain the moon in capricorn
- may have had a tough upbringing, was forced to grow up fast, forced to take on a lot of responsibility as a child
- may be emotionally detached. or may feel emotions but not be able to express them
- vengeful, inflexible and calculating but whenever I notice myself this way I get extremely ashamed of myself and start to feel really guilty about my behaviour.
- The dark side of Moon in Capricorn is that they can have very painful and harsh childhoods that force them to repress or deny their feelings. They do not have the “luxury” of acting like a carefree child.
- If you have a very tight conjunction or tight Square from your Moon to Saturn, it may result in a similar childhood perspective.
-may develop coping mechanisms that are more about achievement and status rather than emotional fulfillment, potentially leading to feelings of isolation or dissatisfaction
-the desire to maintain control and not show vulnerability can lead to difficulties in forming deep emotional connections.
-The Capricorn Moon may prioritize practical concerns over emotional ones, leading to a more analytical approach to feelings.
explain the moon in scorpio
- feels emotions very intensely but will not show it or express it
- difficult showing vulnerability (lack of control)
- obsessive, tests people, not trusting,
-over sensitive , emotional , revengeful , over thinking , self pity and possessive HOWEVER if this Moon is in conjunction or aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter , Venus or Mercury , then Moon placed in Scorpio sign will give the strengths of Scorpio sign to the person which are being ambitious , hard working , persistent , adaptable , strong will power and determination.
explain mercury in pisces
-mercury is logical, analytical, critical, info gathering planet that is very communicative about the REAL world, mercury doesn’t like being in water signs. because mercury wants to make realistic plans - success isn’t a result of being lost in the imaginative world. success is a result of logical, practical, thinking and planning
- pisces is the UNSEEN, not of the material plane, accessing other realms, spirituality, expansive imagination
- mercury in pisces has a hard time comprehending things that are logical
- a lot of procrastination
- a lot of artists, writers, DANCERS! (mercury rules hands, pisces rules feet)
- can be the best, imaginative writer, but then how do you get your book out into the world? (the business side)
- very intelligent as far as the imagination is concerned, but when it comes to implementation of that imagination into the real world - that’s when it becomes a problem
- confused when it comes to decision making
- higher octave when integrated - genius in a way - it doesn’t regurgitate what is already known, it thinks outside of the box, within a framework guided by divine principles, not ‘success’ in the material world. Forerunners of new thought.
- genius is their imagination
- as soon as they’re forced to think rationally, logically, their mind does not compute
mercury in sagittarius
- sag is higher learning, philosophy, gurus, religion, how fortunate you feel in life.
- when they talk, they talk about higher power, religious things, advanced studies, they may preach
- sag is ruled by jupiter, jupiter rules finance - careers in accounting/finance
- wisdom in communication, unless jupiter is combust or debilitated (then may have a whack belief system)
- may try to take their religion/spirituality and turn it into a business (mercury rules business)
explain mars in cancer
- mars is a soldier, manly man, whereas cancer is maternal/feminine, deep emotions
- mars doesn’t want to have any emotions
- soldier in a kitchen analogy
- creates a lot of frustration
- could have had a very disciplined mother
- master manipulator, fiercely protective
- clever personality in the house that it controls in the birth chart
- not as debilitated in the 21st century, because sneaky/manipulative tactics are what get people ahead these days - not so much 500 years ago
- if mars is debilitated in the 4th house - may scam people in real estate deals, if mars is debilitated in the 7th house - may cheat on their spouse - mars has no dignity, doesn’t care to break the law
explain mars in libra
explain mars in taurus
- pleasure through indulgence, pleasure through food, pleasure through assets, music, art, money, clothing
- mars is willpower, strength, ability to stand for our beliefs.
- energy/drive to be in an artistic field
- also represents finance and wealth. someone who is very energized to make money - through their money they want to seek pleasurable pursuits
- if mars is in a planetary war - for example, with saturn - we look at the ruler of the sign saturn is in - if the ruler is exhaled, saturn will gain more strength in this planetary war and will dominate/subdue mars - making mars’ energy level go down.
WHEREAS if mars is well placed - or the ruler (venus) is well placed - it will give mars energy - may easily be able to accumulate wealth.
- mars attains its wealth and pleasure through women. your battery will be energized through a woman
- mars in taurus interacts with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Leo is cinema, performance, being the centre of attention. mars opposes the sign of scorpio - where it can be very jealous, I need to own everything, mars is putting his affect on these houses.
explain jupiter in gemini
gemini = everyday communication, getting the message out,
jupiter = wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, higher learning, divine, belief system,
great teachers, writers, philanthropists
Jupiter in Gemini is very flip-floppy when it comes to their beliefs and convictions. They’ll read about something and believe in it for about a week, and then abandon it for something else that’s taken their interest. So there’s difficulty with truly putting faith and trust in some greater whole, because Gemini is always questioning and is interested in too many (separate) things.
Jupiter is an embiggener. It will expand where it lives and the aspects it touches. In Gemini, Jupiter can magnify curiosity and one’s ability to learn and think. It can also make Gemini traits lean into excess, e.g. overthinking and anxiety.
it can be very hard for Jupiter in Gemini to maintain focus on the details of what they’re learning. Jupiter hates the small pieces, but Gemini loves them. It can be a huge struggle to learn the details, when you just want the big picture
optimistic love of learning, lack of interest in sticking with one thing - has a working knowledge of so many topics they can hold a conversation with anyone and find common ground
explain jupiter in virgo
Jupiter is all about seeing the bigger picture in life while Virgo is about details and its critical analysis. That’s why Jupiter is very uncomfortable and the native may lack vision in life.
The Mercurial mind running on overdrive when dealing with the broader perspectives of Jupiter, which prevents them from putting their faith in any one holistic thing, and instead they fragment it into tiny pieces. The grand vision is hard to picture when there are so many details to consider (this is especially challenging for Virgo).
these people can run into luck when they work hard and stick to their rituals.
explain jupiter in capricorn
Saturn and Jupiter are opposite principles. Saturn is all about hard work and restriction. Jupiter is all about possibilities and expansion.
Jupiter in Capricorn suggests that you are an overcomer. It indicates that you are extremely disciplined and your actions are aligned with your goals. You dislike hasty action. You prefer to make detailed plans and think in structures. Jupiter in Capricorn is a sober-minded, persistent, ambitious placement. It suggests a high achiever.
Jupiter in Capricorn absorbs the energy of Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn. Saturn’s position in the horoscope also has a say in how Jupiter can manifest. A strong, well-placed Saturn supports Jupiter in expressing its best qualities. Jupiter is in fall in this zodiac sign.
Jupiter in Capricorn turns vision into reality. This is an extremely capable placement. If you have this Jupiter sign in your natal chart, you are probably well-organized, businesslike, persistent, resilient. You are able to break down your goal into smaller, actionable steps and then you have the self-discipline to act on it.
Your superpower is the ability to bring a fresh perspective into structures and innovate old ways of doing things that are not as productive and smooth-running as they could be. Could be a workaholic.
People with this placement have the talent to do well in hierarchical structures. It is easy for you to play according to the rules while making the most out of the available opportunities. Climbing the corporate ladder is usually easy for a Jupiter in Capricorn native.
Jupiter is faith, belief, inspiration and awe. It wants to be filled with wonder and optimism. When afflicted this can become dogma or fanaticism- believing your way is the right way, the only way etc which is why Jupiter can become self-righteous. A positive Jupiter though is more like a motivational speaker or wise guru. Capricorn is none of those things. Capricorn is about hard reality. About getting things done (why Mars loves it). Theorising or philosophising isn’t going to put bread on the table. So Capricorn is more of a skeptical sign and one prone to pessimism. It begins Winter when the world is dead and cold and barren, when you have to get serious and learn how to be responsible and survive.
explain Uranus in leo
explain uranus in taurus