Planet Earth 1-3 Flashcards
a naturally occurring Non-living crystalline material
The outermost layer of earth
Is made up of more than one mineral
A pure substance
Made up of two or more elements combined
What is the Mohs Hardness scale?
It is a scale that shows how soft or hard a rock is
7 properties that help identify minerals
- what color of streak it leaves on povcelain tile
- if breaks in a stright line its Cleavage if it breaks loose and bumpy it fracture.
- if a mineral can bend or not
- igneous rocks are formed by molten rocks (lava)
- Metamorphic formed when rocks changed by heat and pressure
- Sedementary with many rock fragments, seashells and chemicals are compressed together in layers and harden
- if rocks or your finger nail can leave a scratch mark on other rocks
In the Mohs hardness which rock is the hardest and softest?
Dimond is the hard’est talc is the soft’est
formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical reactions
formed by solidified molten rock (lava)
formed when combinations of rock, seashell ans chemical fragments compressed in layers and harden
a process by which particals are held together by another material
the process by which sedimentary rock is formed from sediments
Soil profile
Is a view of the different layers that make up soil
Is the top where soil which is often rich in hummus and nutrients