Planes of the Body Flashcards
Axial Plane
Dividing the body into top half/bottom half
same as axial and horizontal
Coronal Plane
Dividing the body into front and back but does not need to be the exact centre - anything parallel to the midfrontal or mid coronal plane
Same as frontal
Frontal Plane
Dividing the body into front and back but does not need to be the exact centre - anything parallel to the midfrontal or mid coronal
Same as coronal
Horizontal Plane
Dividing into upper/lower halves
Same as transverse and axial
Median Plane
A vertical plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves
Same as midsaggital
Midsagittal Plane
A vertical plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves
Midcoronal Plane
The vertical plane passes through the coronal suture of the skull and midaxillary region of the body, dividing the body into two equal front and back halves
Sagittal Plane
Any plane parallel to the midsagittal plane - separating the body into left and right sections - doesn’t need to be right in half
Transverse Plane
dividing the body into upper and lower portions
Same as horizontal and axial