Plan Making And Implementation Flashcards
What is the total acreage of land in federal Indian reservations?
56 million acres 326 Indian land areas Largest is Navajo Nation 16 million acres Smallest is Pit Rover 1.32 acres Many less than 1,000 acres
What is a township square?
6 by 6 Mile area
Contains 36 square miles
Contains 36 sections of 1 square mile each
How many acres in one square mile?
640 acres
How many square feet in an acre?
43,560 square feet
How many acres in a hectare?
Metes and Bounds
Oldest type of legal description
Begin at the intersection, then east 200’ along Jefferson
“More or less”
Location of monuments, natural and artificial landmarks
What is required for legal description of real estate?
Allows surveyor to locate the property including exact boundaries
Street address is not sufficient
Lot and block
Also called a recorded plat
Ordinance of 1785
Rectangular land survey of the west
Dashed line on a subdivision map
Buildable area as defined by setbacks
Open Space public engagement technique
Allows people to propose topics to discuss and those who are interested choose to participate in that dialogue. Prepare summaries to share with entire group.
Probability an event is about to happen
Probabilities range from 0-1
0 is impossible
Cost revenue analysis
Full cost of delivering a service or group of services.
Compare operating costs and tax yields
10 million or more
John Gottmann
Consensus Conference
Inform a panel of citizens about a complex technological or scientific issue
T test
Compare means of sample averages based on population
Analysis of variance - test equality of means between two groups
Chi Square test
Measure of fit
Location quotient
Relative share of the sector in the region compared to the relative share in the nation
Greater than 1 export
Less than 1 import
Input output
Model of an economy Determines economic output of a region Can determine employment affect of particular project on the economy Transactions, direct requirements, total requirement s Assumes no economies of scale Tech and labor are static Consumption of inputs is constant No National imports or exports
4 characteristics of projections
Shape - conformal
Area - equal area
Distance - equidistant
Direction - true direction
Oregon model
1st place using community visioning
4 map classifications
Equal interval - like a histogram
Quantile - each bin has same number
Natural breaks or jenks
Unique value
Tax increment financing
Designated area to have a tax revenue increased used for capital investment
Floating zone
Not necessarily included on the map; conditions have to be met
Form based code
Form of built environment; can deal with use but not the main driver
Regulations, not guidelines
Community vision translated to form
Water conservation and agriculture preservation make little difference
Type of form based code
Rural to urban in 6 zones plus one special purpose zone
Smart code is a type of transect code - Miami
How can you deal with zoning non conformities?
1) redone to minimize non conformities
2) sanction benign non conformities
3) phase out detrimental non conformities
Bivariate regression - how many variables used to predict?
1 x variable
What is the economic base multiplier
Total employment / basic employment.
A multiplier of 4 says that 4 total jobs are created for every additional basic job
Shift share
Interprets changes in an industry’s local employment over a period of years in terms of:
- National share
- Industry mix
- Local shift
Input output
Useful for understanding linkages between different industries especially those upstream and downstream from a target industry
Industrial development / special purpose bond
Bond on behalf of a private company for community investment
Tiebout hypothesis
Individuals will vote with their feet. Public good preferences.
4 types of health impact assessment
1 rapid - a few weeks
2 desktop
3 intermediate - do not collect new data
4 comprehensive - can take over a year
Health status is determined by these four things
1 genetics (5%)
2 health care (10%)
3 behavior (30%)
4 social conditions (55%)
Rational ignorance
Odds of my vote making a difference are very low
Voting with feet
Works with large federal system
People can sort themselves with similar tastes for local or Territorials goods
Intergovernmental competition
Local benefits capitalized in local land prices
How many Americans lived in some type of community association in 2012
63 million
How many BIDs in United States
What are CC&R
Covenants conditions and restrictions
What is rent seeking
Payoffs to special interests
All government is greater than what percent of GDP
State and local from own revenues is 10%
Several types of grants
Block grants vs categorial - gives recipient flexibility vs restricted to specific projects or function
Fórmula vs competitive - awarded by formula or competition
What are homevoter cities
A city that is mainly devoted to the protection of property values.
Homeowners see local governance as a way to protect home values. Usually their largest financial asset
What are tools to slow gentrification
More housing options for those crowded out
Look at development restriction we impose. Yes
What are components of form based codes
The regulating plan
Building form standards - position of buildings on lot And setbacks
Public realm - describes spaces between buildings (frontage types and street types) design instructions
Optional: street and block standards and frontage and building types
Cities with form based codes
Miami Beaufort SC Cincinnati Tehachapi CA Santa Ana CA
Goals achievement matrix
System for prioritizing projects
Horizontal equity vs vertical equity
Horizontal - people in the same circumstances should be treated the same
Vertical - people on higher incomes should take on greater share of responsibility for paying for public services. Regressive proportional and progressive taxes are vertical equity
Role of planning commission
Appointed by elected officials
Recommending body
Public hearings and fact finding for: comp plan, zoning text and map amendments, conditional use permits
Role of zoning board of appeals
Appointed by city council Quasi judicial Public hearings and fact finding for: Appeals of administrative decisions Variances Special exceptions
Design review board
Appointed by city council
Advisory role - recommendations to planning commission
Rules on consistency of plan with design guidelines
May or may not include public comment
Central limit theorem
When independent variables are summed up, tends toward normal distribution, even if original variables are not normally distributed