✅Place Study - Detroit Flashcards
Where is Detroit located?
In Michigan, North East US on the Canadian border
What is heavy industry?
Industry that involves one or more characteristics of large and heavy equipment or facilities, or complex and numerous processes
What was the ‘Steel Belt’?
A belt of the North East US where established waterways, roads and railroads connected coalfields and rich iron ores to produce much of America’s steel products
Why did Detroit’s location make it key to the Steel Belt?
The Appalachian coalfields were to the south and Michigan’s upper peninsula has rich iron ore, so resources were easily available
What were the ‘3 giants’ in Detroit?
Ford, General Motors and Chrysler
What did Detroit become famous for within the steel belt?
How did Henry Ford change industrial processes?
He invented the production line in 1913
What happened after the Great Depression?
People moved North to find work
How many people did Ford employ when it first opened?
Why were Ford jobs so attractive?
They paid well and allowed workers to afford the cars they were building
How did Detroit’s population change between 1820 and 1920?
It grew form 1000 to 1,000,000 and the % White stayed roughly constant
How did Detroit’s population change between 1930 and 2010?
It shrank from 1,800,000 to 700,000, and from predominantly White (92%) to predominantly Black (83%)
When did the population peak?
Around 1950
When were the Great Migrations?
Between 1910 and 1980
Why did many Black residents move to Detroit from the South?
To escape racial segregation laws and find jobs
How much of Detroit is suburbs?
Why is so much of Detroit made up of suburbs?
Construction of interstate highways
High taxes and house prices in city
Racial tensions in city
White flight
Cars become more accessible for travel
Business moved out of Detroit
What were some of the forces of change in Detroit?
Globalisation, TNCs, International Institutions
How did oil prices cause decline in the city?
As the oil crisis hit (1956), prices quadrupled and people were put off buying and running cars, so the automotive industry suffered
How did TNCs cause decline in Detroit?
They provided competition as other manufacturers produced similar products at cheaper prices, forcing companies in Detroit to look elsewhere for cheaper labour costs
How did the number of automotive firms in Detroit change in the years of the oil crisis?
Fell from 3400 to 2300
When did Detroit declare bankruptcy?
How do wages in Detroit today compare to the US as a whole?
They are $2.12 an hour lower for skilled workers
How does overall educational attainment compare to other states today?
Much lower
What tax laws were passed in 2012?
To lower income tax rates to lowest in Midwest, tries to attract people
How much of the city is currently empty?
What are the top employers in Detroit today?
Trade, transportation and utilities
Professional and business services
What is an enclave?
Areas within a city where people of a certain culture come together, characteristic of migration
Which cities did African-Americans move to in the migration?
Detroit, Chicago, New York
How many people had resettled in manufacturing areas by 1929?
1.5 million
When was the second wave of migration?
The 1940s, when more people were required to work for the war effort
How many people had resettled by the end of the second migration?
5.9 million
How many Black residents moved away from Detroit 2000-2010?
Why did some Black residents move away from Detroit in the 2000s?
Mostly skilled people, moved up to more ‘middle class’
How does Detroit’s White percentage population compare to the rest of Michigan?
10% versus 77%
What is Motown?
A record label signing mostly Black artists in Detroit, changed sound of America
What was Detroit known as?
‘Motor City’
Who founded Motown?
Berry Gordy
How did Gordy’s experience on production lines impact the running of the record label?
He introduced ‘Quality Control’ to ensure only the best music was released
How did Motown break down racial segregation?
It provided music that was enjoyed by all people, broke down ‘Black music’ stereotype
Why did the averaqe income in Detroit fall?
Because white people left, who had most of the wealth, while black people generally worked low paid service jobs
Where were black people allowed to live?
The Brewster housing developments
Who were the migrants who moved to Detroit in the 40s?
Poor white southerners and black people
What happened at the Packard Motor Car Company in June 1943?
Three black people were promoted to work alongside the whites and in response, 25,000 white workers went on strike
What started the 1943 race riot?
Fights between black and white youths in the Belle Isle
When was the 1967 race riot?
23-27th June 1967
Who was the riot primarily enacted by?
Black residents
What were the primary root causes of the riot?
Police abuse, economic inequality, changing demographics and lack of affordable housing
What triggered the start of the 1967 race riot?
A police raid on an unlicensed drinking bar in a black neighbourhood
How many were arrested at the bar raid?
What was the 1967 race riot known as?
The 12th street riot
How did the governor and president react to the rioting?
By sending in thousands of National Guard troops and paratroopers
What event occurred during the 12th street riot?
The Algiers Motel Incident
What sparked the Algiers Motel Incident?
A Black resident shot a toy gun from the window towards the army and police, and a raid was carried out
What did interrogation of the black residents involve?
Mocking killings of the others
Who were the suspects after the Motel incident?
Black males, no white police officers
How many people were employed in the automotive sector at its height?
What is Eight Mile Road?
A road spanning more than 20 miles across Detroit with 8 lanes of traffic, separates Wayne & Washtenaw counties
What does Eight Mile Road act as?
A physical dividing line between predominantly African American and White areas
What is depicted in the film 8 Mile?
Eminem plays a fictionalised version of himself growing up in Detroit around the area and segregation of 8 mile road
What was the film ‘Detroit’ based on?
The Algiers Motel Incident
Where did Detroit’s poorest residents live?
In central, downtown Detroit