PL/Volpone: Heroes and Villains Flashcards
Overall Argument
Focus around the ironic presentation of heroism in the texts.
Paragraph 1: Mosca and Volpone
‘since I gain/No common way…I wound no earth with ploughshares’ - allusion to gold age attempts to justify his ‘gain’.
‘cocker up my genius and live free’ - another allusion to the gold age.
‘cunning purchase of my wealth’
‘Yield, or I’ll force thee.’ - shift in register, commanding tone, indicates the dark turn of the scene.
‘Be bountiful’ - Celia appeals to Volpone’s morals, it is clear he has none.
Paragraph 2:
Celia, who is modest, turns out to be the true hero as she resists patriarchy.
Celia embodies Christianity and morality.
‘Thy beauty’s miracle’/ ‘sensual baits’
‘This my offending face’
‘I am your martyr’
‘Thy mouth unto thine ears’
‘kill me’ - steady rhythm shows certainty in her words.
‘Oh god and his good angels’
Paragraph 3:
Satan uses the idea of heroism and superiority to manipulate Eve.
‘venturing higher than my lot’
‘ye shall be as gods’
‘I of brute human, ye of human gods’
Ovid’s metamorphoses: paints a picture of the golden age, pure, at one with the earth. Contrast to bronze age, destruction of earth.
Context 2
Christian values. Adultery as a sin.