Pl deck 2 Flashcards
Lincoln viewed unjust slander with
Amusement rather than anger
All leaders must seek and require access to what ?
reliable up to date information
Lincoln learned and refined the art of what ?
Lincoln revealed his own leadership philosophy , an approach that would become part of a modern revolution in modern leadership thinking…later dubbed as ?
Managing by Wandering around.
Lincoln exercised competent leadership. he delegated responsibility and authority and ?
empowered his subordinates to act on their own
When removing General Fremont from his command , Lincoln referred to General Fremont’s isolation from his troops , the lack of confidence and the reason that General Fremont dose not know what was going on as his ________?
Cardinal mistake
Invariably an organizing takes on the personality of its ?
Top leaders
Even though he had some detractors , Lincoln attained success , admiration and a positive image by maintaining his ?
Integrity and honesty
Lincoln knew the value of making request rather than ?
issuing orders
Lincoln constantly shared , stressed and reemphasized the two most fundamental values that over the years have mobilized Americans?
Pursuit of liberty and equality
If you would win a man to your case you must ?
First convince him that you are a sincere friend
Regarding Lincoln’s relationship with Gen. McClellan….it hurt Lincoln somewhat not to have formed a successful link with McClellan , but at least he maintained his own integrity . The lesson to be learned here is to simply not give up attempting to ?
Build solid alliances
It is worthy to note that leadership. by definition omits the use of ?
Coercive power