Pl 5 Flashcards
According to Lincoln on leadership , Which general was credited with taking the Shenandoah Valley under control ?
Gen Phil Sheridan
According to Lincoln on leadership , How did Lincoln declare martial law ?
By suspending the write of habeas corpus
According to Lincoln on leadership , Who did Lincoln promote to the rank of Lieutenant General on march 10th 1864
Uylsses S Grant
According to Lincoln on leadership , Why did Lincoln relieved Gen. Fremont ?
Because of his cardinal mistake.
According to Lincoln on leadership , Upon hearing that__________ had headed his army in the direction of jonesboro , rather than Chattanooga in support of Rosecarns, Lincoln is reported to have bounced his stovepipe hat on the floor and cried Damm Jonesboro .
Gen Ambrose Burnside
According to Lincoln on leadership , Salmon P chase claimed that _________ exerted undue influence on the president .
Henry Steward
According to Lincoln on leadership , Many people were calling on Lincoln to dismiss _____. but the President stood by him .
Gen Grant
According to Lincoln on leadership , Late in the election year of 1864 , Lincoln drafted a statement of refutation regarding a misrepresentation of facts in what was popular called ________. Lincoln would not allow the statement to be published .
Antietam Episode
According to Lincoln on leadership , What Gen. had command of the insufficient , poorly equipped and poorly trained army of only 16,000 men when Lincoln took office ?
Gen Winfred Scott
According to Lincoln on leadership , What Gen. did Lincoln visit at Antietam in an attempt to light a fire under him ?
Gen McClellan
According to Lincoln on leadership , Another habit employed by Lincoln was to give credit where credit was due.?
Leading while being led.