Pituitary Pathology Flashcards
What is diabetes insipidus?
↓ADH secretion OR
↓Sensitivity of kidney to ADH
Leads to impaired water resorption in kidneys
Excretion of large vols of urine >3L/day
Low urine osmolality <300 AND high serum osmolality >300
What are the types of diabetes insipidus?
Cranial = post-pituitary
Gestational= Degeneration of vasopressin by placenta
What are the causes of cranial DI?
50% Idiopathic Congenital Tumour Trauma Haemorrhage Meningo-encephalitis
What are the causes of nephrogenic DI?
Inherited Metabolic Drugs: Li CKD Post-obstructive uropathy
What are the Sx of DI?
Polyuria & Nocturia
How is DI investigated?
Bloods: Glucose, U&Es (↓K+↑Na+↑Ca2+)
Serum osmolality: >300
Urine osmolality: <700
What is a water deprivation test?
Tests ability of kidneys to concentrate urine & localise cause
Deprive fluids for 8hrs then test urine osmolality
Repeat with 2mcg desmopressin
NEPHROGENIC = <300 before & after desmopressin
CRANIAL - <300 before >800 after desmopressin
What is desmopressin?
Synthetic ADH
How is cranial DI treated?
1) MRI to find cause
2) Desmopressin
How is nephrogenic DI treated?
1) Treat cause
2) Bendroflumethazide 5mg PO
3) NSAIDs- lower urine vol & plasma Na+
What is SIADH?
Excessive secretion of ADH from post-pituitary or ectopic source
Leads to reabsorption of water at collecting duct
Leads to hypervolaemia & ↓Na+
What are the causes of SIADH?
I: Infection (meningitis, atypical pneumonia, TB)
A: Abscess
D: Drugs (SSRI, TCA, Opiates, Carbamezapine)
H: Head injury (Stroke, SAH, subdural)
What are the features of HypoNa?
Mild: N&V, headache, anorexia
Mod: Cramps, weakness, irritable, confusion, ataxia
Severe: Drowsy, seizure, ↓GCS
What are the Sx of SIADH?
Signs of hyponatraemia
Signs of hypervolaemia: Pulmonary dyspnoea, peripheral oedema, ascites, ↑JVP
How is SIADH investigated?
Both parts required for diagnosis:
1) Urine: Concentrated urine, osmolality >100 AND Na+ >20
2) Bloods: Na+ <125 AND osmolality <260 in absence of hypoV/oedema/diuretics
Urine osmolality > plasma osmolality