Adrenals Flashcards
What is adrenal insufficiency?
Destruction of adrenal cortex = ↓adrenal hormone output:
- ↓Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone) → Acidosis
- ↓Glucocorticoids (Cortisol) → ↓blood glucose
- ↓Androgens (Testosterone)
What is Addison’s disease?
Primary autoimmune destruction of adrenal cortex
Deficiency of glucocorticoid + mineralocorticoids
Who typically gets Addison’s?
Metastatic Ca
Infection: TB - most common cause worldwide
What is Secondary Addison’s?
Inadequate pituitary/hypothalamic stimulation of adrenal glands
What causes secondary Addison’s?
STEROIDS Sepsis Metastatic Ca, Lymphoma SLE Antiphospholipid syndrome
How does Addison’s present?
Often diagnosed late Lean: Anorexia, ↓weight Tired Postural hypoT → syncope Tanned: Bronze skin, pigmented palmar creases + buccal mucosa Tearful + weak: Depression GI: N&V, abdo pain, D/C
What are the Sx of hypoaldosteronism?
Hyperk HypoNa Hypovolaemia Metabolic Acidosis (↓HCO3-) Muscle weakness Palpitations & Arrhythmia Cravings for salty food N&V Fatigue,Dizziness
What are the Sx of low cortisol levels?
Hyper-pigmented elbows, knees
What are the Sx of low androgen levels?
Low sex drive
Little pubic hair (women)
How is Addison’s investigated?
SYNACTHEN TEST- DIAGNOSTIC Bloods: U&E (↓Na + ↑K), ↓Glucose, FBC (↓Hb, ↓Eosin) 9am ↓Cortisol + ACTH levels ABG: Met acidosis Adrenal AutoAbx
What does a 9am cortisol level tell you?
<100 = Addison's likely 100-500 = Synacthen test >500 = Addison's unlikely
What does a 9am ACTH level tell you?
↑= primary cause ↓/n = Secondary cause
How does a Synacthen test work?
Measure plasma cortisol
Give 250ug synacthen IM
Wait 30mins
Measure plasma cortisol
<500 = Addison's >550 = NOT Addison's
How is Addison’s managed?
Hydrocortisone 15-30mg OD
DO NOT stop steroids abruptly + sick day rules apply (double dose)
Fludrocortisone 50-300ug
+/- Androgen replacement
What is an Addison’s crisis? What are the Sx?
Zona glomerulosa & fasiculata destroyed usually triggered by illness demand outweighs production)
- Unresponsive hypotension
- HyperK
- Pain in back/abdo/legs
- HypoV = SHOCK
How is an Addison’s crisis managed?
Emergency admission
Tx underlying cause
IM/IV 100mg Hydrocortisone
IV 0.9% NaCl to correct ↓Na+
What is Conn’s Syndrome?
Primary hyper-aldosteronism
80% adrenal adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia