Pitch Flashcards
what are the main elements of Pitch?
- Harmony
- Melody
What are the main areas of Melody?
- melodic contour
- melodic movement
- is it definite/ indefinite
- range
- melodic Features
- register
- melodic arrangement
A register is the “height” or range of a note, set of pitches or pitch classes
- low
Melodic arrangement
the placement or arrangement of notes for example:
- One after another
- counter melody
Melodic countour
The shape of the melody.
- arch
- angular
- stagnant
- wave
- ascending
- descending
Melodic movement
The movement of the melody
- steps
- leaps
- combination
The differences between the used notes
- Narrow
- Wide
Melodic features
Techniques used within melodies
- Ostinato
- repetition
- Sequence
- motif
- melisma
- riff
- ornimintation
What are the main elements of Harmony within pitch
- Dissonant/ consonant
- harmonic features
- chord structure
- modulation
- harmonic rhythm
- Accompaniment
Dissonant / Consonant
The impression of stability and repose (_______ ) in relation to the impression of tension or clash ( ______ )
Harmonic features
The techniques used within harmonies
- Riff
- Pedal Point
- Drone
- Cadence
- Harmonic
- Ostinato
chord structure
The way in which Chords are placed
- Simple
- Complex
The change from one tonality to another
- Higher / Lower key
Harmonic Rhythm
The speed of the Chord progression (Simplified)
- slow/fast progression
Musical support for the melody
- Broken chords
- Block chords
- parallel