Pìosan Air Thuaiream 2 Flashcards
Tha aileirdsidh agam ri poilein.
I am allergic to pollen.
Cuir an cèill
Announce, declare, imply, suggest (put in understanding … genitive of Ciall)
Na caileagan cùthach.
The mean girls.
Tha eagal orm ro …
I’m afraid of …
Cha ruig mo sporan air …
I can’t afford …
Tha mi an aghaidh a’ bheachd.
I’m against the idea.
Bha e an taic ri a’ bhalla.
He was leaning against the wall.
Chan aithne dha seinn.
He can’t sing .
Tuilleadh brot?
More soup?
A bheil sin ceadaichte?
Is that allowed?
Ceadaich dhomh …
Allow me …
Is math a bhith gad choinneachadh.
It’s good to meet you.
Is math a bhith a’ coinneachadh riut.
It’s good to meet you.
Bha iad am bad a chèile
They were fighting each other
A’ toirt a chreidsinn orm
Makes me believe/convinces me
Ciaradh an fheasgar
Am beul na h-oidhche
Cho fuar ris a’ phuinnsean.
As cold as poison.
An sin thu dhomh an glainne?
Will you pass (stretch) me the glass?
An làmh chlì
The left hand
An làmh dheas
The right hand
An làmh ceart
The right hand
An làmh ceàrr
The left (wrong) hand
ceàrr-làmhach (bua.)
Left (wrong) handed (adj.)
A’ crochadh air…
Depending on ….
Tha an t-àite a’ cuir thairis le daoine.
The place is overflowing with people.
Tha mi a’ dèanamh dheth …
I reckon…
Tha a’ ghrian a’ sgoltadh na creagan.
The sun is splitting the rocks. (As in, very hot)
Feumaidh mi aideachadh…
I must admit…
A rèir beul aithris…
According to folklore …
Cha do thachair theab riamh!
Almost never happened!
Bha mi an impis …
I was on the verge of … (almost, for future thing)
Cha chreid mi nach eil thu ceart.
I believe you are correct. (I DON’T believe you are NOT correct.)
Tìmeanan gàbhaidh
Dangerous times
Take your benefit! (Take it easy) (Idiom)
Gabh air do shocair! (Gnàthas-cainnt)
Tha mi air mo dhòigh!
I’m thrilled.
Faobhar na lainne
The edge of the blade
Faobhar na lainne
The edge of the blade
Nach buidhe dhut!
Aren’t you lucky!
lùth ceimigeach
Chemical energy
lùth taisgte
Potential energy
lùth cineatagach
Kinetic energy
lùth meacanaigeach
Mechanical energy
lùth ath-nuadhachail
Renewable energy
Bun Lùtha
Energy source
caomhnadh lùtha
Energy conservation
Energy efficiency
Cha dèan mi steama dheth
I can’t understand it.
Dè do thriom?
What’s your mood?
Coiste ann an còiste
Jury in a coach
It’s nice to meet you
Is math ur coinneachadh
It’s nice to meet you
Is math do choinneachadh