Pìosan Air Thuaiream 1 Flashcards
Chan eadh!
No / opposite of Seadh!
Yes / opposite of Chan eadh!
cia uaithe?
From whence?
(Fir. Iolra)
- Twins
(Masc. Plural)
Dèan dà leth dheth
Make two halves of it
Dèan dà leth air ….
Make two sides on ….
Duine ‘san t-sreath
Average joe (a person in the line)
Ann an sreath
In a row
A’ coiseachd ann an sreath le chèile
Walking in a row together
’ nan càraidean
In their couple
Leithid an rud sin
A thing like that
Stiall aodaich
A stitch of clothing
Cha chuala mi riamh
I never heard
Tha rudeigin mu na casan agad
Something is getting close on your heels
A’ togail innleachd
Making a plot/plan
Tha thu mar a bha thu
Back to square one
Aig an toiseach tòisichidh
At the very beginning
Tha thu mar a bha thu, bho’n thùs
You are, as you were from the beginning
Leugh eadar na sreathan
Read between the lines
Aig sealbh tha brath
Goodness knows
Co aig’ a tha fios?
Who knows?
Aig Dia tha fios …
God knows …
It must suck to be you
Tha mi cho toilichte nach eil mi air do rathad fhèin
Tha boinne (ann) am beul na gaoithe
There’s a drop in the mouth of the wind / it feels like rain
Tog do chasan leat!
Get lost!
Mach á seo!
Get out of here!
Gabh air cùl do gnothaich
Get on with your business
Thig gu cnag na cùise
Come to the point of the thing
Gus giorrad a chur air an sgeul
To make a long story short
Nam b’e an-diugh an dè
If today was yesterday (if i’d only known)
Nan robh fios agam
If i’d only known
Abair latha!
What a (good) day!
Mise an-diugh!
This is my day! Oh my gosh (good)
Tha mi far an robh mi!
I’m amazed!
Sin agad e!
There you have it!
Gabh e no fàg e!
Take it or leave it!
Chan eil thu mar riut an-diugh.
You aren’t like yourself today.
Chan eil thu agad fhèin an-diugh.
You don’t have yourself today (not like yourself)
Tha ròsan a’ fàs agam.
I’m growing roses.
Dùin an doras air do chùlaibh.
Shut the door behind you.
An do choisinn i duais?
Did she earn/win a prize?
Air ais chun na h-àbhaist.
Back to (of) the usual.
mar sin dheth …
Consequently … (like that of that)
Agus le sin …
Therefore … (and with that)
a’ dol mar chat ri bainne
(Going like a cat for milk) going straight for ….
a’ dol direach gu ..
(Making a beeline for) go directly to
a’ dol nad dheann ruith gu ..
going in your rushing run to …
an seo an-diugh, air falbh a-maireach
here today, gone tomorrow
Mar reòthadh air lodan-làir
like freezing on a ground-puddle
Do ‘n neach do ‘m buin a’ chùis
to whom it may concern
Tha mi a’ gabhail cùraim air an taigh
I’m taking care of the house
Tha mi a’ coimhead ás déidh an taighe
I’m taking care of the house
Tha mi (ann) am bun an taighe
I am in the foundation of the house (holding everything together)
dèan drùidheadh air …
make an impression on …
cha tug e drùidheach orm
It didn’t make an impression on me.
Cha do dhearg e orm.
It didn’t make an impression on me.
fàg làrach air inntinn
leave a mark on a mind
nì seo làrach nach beag air Seumas
this will make no small impression on James
rinn seo làrach nach bu bheag air Seumas
this made no small impression on James
fàgaidh seo làrach nach beag air …
this will leave no small impression on ….
Is beag orm sin.
I can’t stand that.
Is lugha orm sin.
I can’t stand that.
Tha gràin agam air sin.
I can’t stand that.
Tha sgreamh agam ro sin.
I can’t stand that.
chan fhuiling mi sin.
I won’t stand for (suffer) that.
tha goimh agam dhen duine ud.
I can’t stand that guy.
Nach eil thu gòrach.
Aren’t you silly\stupid!
Nach tusa a tha gòrach!
Aren’t you silly/stupid!
Nach ann gòrach a tha thu!
Aren’t you silly/stupid!
Nach tu a tha falamh!
Isn’t it you who is empty! (empty-headed)
Nach tu a tha faoin!
Isn’t it you who is daft, silly, foolish
duine mar na faoileagan
a daft person, daftie
chan eil (ach) cuimhne circe aig Calum
Calum is a real featherbrain (memory of a hen)
Tha cluas-chiùil mhath agad.
You have a good ear for music.
Tha thu a’ tarraing asam.
You’re kidding me.
Is math a thèid leat!
Good luck to you!
Tha an rèidio ro fhuaimneach.
The radio is too loud.
Tionndaidh sios an rèidio.
Turn down the radio.
Cuir air an solas.
Put (turn) on the light.
Cuir dheth an solas.
Put (turn) off the light.
- Gratitude
- Thanksgiving
- Acknowledgement of an achievement
Nach buidhe dhut?
Aren’t you lucky?
Nam biodh tu mo charaid ..
If you would be my friend ..
Nam bu tusa mo charaid ..
If you were my friend ..
nam biodh tu ‘nad charaid dhomh
If you would be in-your friend to me
Tha mi sgith dhe bhith …
I’m tired of …
Tha mi sgith dhe fulaing ri sin
I’m tired of suffering with that
Tha mi deiseil le sin
I’m done/ready with that.
Fhuair mi mo làn dheth
I got my fill of it
Tha mo leòr agam dheth
I have had my enough of that
Fhuair mi mo leòr is ri sheachnadh
I had my enough and to spare (to avoid)
Seall an gioban a tha a-nall thugainn!
look at the ragged person coming in! (Look what the cat dragged in)
Thachair gun do mhothaich mi e
I happened to notice it
Thachair gun d’ thainig e fo m’ aire
It happened to come under my attention
Ghlac mi ‘san adhair e
I caught it in the air
Ghlac mi e air a dhol seachad
I caught it going past
Ghlac mi air ‘nam dhol seachad
I caught it in my going past
Chuir e fodha mi
It put me under
Tha sin cus
that’s too much
Chuir sin cus orm
That put too much on me
cualag a’ ghille leisg
the load of a lazy lad
- Little burden
- Little task
Bhithinn leth choma
I wouldn’t mind
bhithinn coma ged a dhèanadh tu sin
I wouldn’t mind if you did that
cha chuireadh sin dragh orm
that wouldn’t bother me