Pìosan Air Thuaiream 1 Flashcards
Chan eadh!
No / opposite of Seadh!
Yes / opposite of Chan eadh!
cia uaithe?
From whence?
(Fir. Iolra)
- Twins
(Masc. Plural)
Dèan dà leth dheth
Make two halves of it
Dèan dà leth air ….
Make two sides on ….
Duine ‘san t-sreath
Average joe (a person in the line)
Ann an sreath
In a row
A’ coiseachd ann an sreath le chèile
Walking in a row together
’ nan càraidean
In their couple
Leithid an rud sin
A thing like that
Stiall aodaich
A stitch of clothing
Cha chuala mi riamh
I never heard
Tha rudeigin mu na casan agad
Something is getting close on your heels
A’ togail innleachd
Making a plot/plan
Tha thu mar a bha thu
Back to square one
Aig an toiseach tòisichidh
At the very beginning
Tha thu mar a bha thu, bho’n thùs
You are, as you were from the beginning
Leugh eadar na sreathan
Read between the lines
Aig sealbh tha brath
Goodness knows
Co aig’ a tha fios?
Who knows?
Aig Dia tha fios …
God knows …
It must suck to be you
Tha mi cho toilichte nach eil mi air do rathad fhèin
Tha boinne (ann) am beul na gaoithe
There’s a drop in the mouth of the wind / it feels like rain
Tog do chasan leat!
Get lost!
Mach á seo!
Get out of here!
Gabh air cùl do gnothaich
Get on with your business
Thig gu cnag na cùise
Come to the point of the thing
Gus giorrad a chur air an sgeul
To make a long story short
Nam b’e an-diugh an dè
If today was yesterday (if i’d only known)
Nan robh fios agam
If i’d only known
Abair latha!
What a (good) day!
Mise an-diugh!
This is my day! Oh my gosh (good)
Tha mi far an robh mi!
I’m amazed!
Sin agad e!
There you have it!
Gabh e no fàg e!
Take it or leave it!
Chan eil thu mar riut an-diugh.
You aren’t like yourself today.
Chan eil thu agad fhèin an-diugh.
You don’t have yourself today (not like yourself)
Tha ròsan a’ fàs agam.
I’m growing roses.
Dùin an doras air do chùlaibh.
Shut the door behind you.
An do choisinn i duais?
Did she earn/win a prize?
Air ais chun na h-àbhaist.
Back to (of) the usual.
mar sin dheth …
Consequently … (like that of that)
Agus le sin …
Therefore … (and with that)
a’ dol mar chat ri bainne
(Going like a cat for milk) going straight for ….
a’ dol direach gu ..
(Making a beeline for) go directly to
a’ dol nad dheann ruith gu ..
going in your rushing run to …
an seo an-diugh, air falbh a-maireach
here today, gone tomorrow
Mar reòthadh air lodan-làir
like freezing on a ground-puddle
Do ‘n neach do ‘m buin a’ chùis
to whom it may concern
Tha mi a’ gabhail cùraim air an taigh
I’m taking care of the house
Tha mi a’ coimhead ás déidh an taighe
I’m taking care of the house
Tha mi (ann) am bun an taighe
I am in the foundation of the house (holding everything together)
dèan drùidheadh air …
make an impression on …
cha tug e drùidheach orm
It didn’t make an impression on me.
Cha do dhearg e orm.
It didn’t make an impression on me.
fàg làrach air inntinn
leave a mark on a mind
nì seo làrach nach beag air Seumas
this will make no small impression on James
rinn seo làrach nach bu bheag air Seumas
this made no small impression on James
fàgaidh seo làrach nach beag air …
this will leave no small impression on ….
Is beag orm sin.
I can’t stand that.
Is lugha orm sin.
I can’t stand that.
Tha gràin agam air sin.
I can’t stand that.
Tha sgreamh agam ro sin.
I can’t stand that.
chan fhuiling mi sin.
I won’t stand for (suffer) that.
tha goimh agam dhen duine ud.
I can’t stand that guy.
Nach eil thu gòrach.
Aren’t you silly\stupid!
Nach tusa a tha gòrach!
Aren’t you silly/stupid!
Nach ann gòrach a tha thu!
Aren’t you silly/stupid!
Nach tu a tha falamh!
Isn’t it you who is empty! (empty-headed)
Nach tu a tha faoin!
Isn’t it you who is daft, silly, foolish
duine mar na faoileagan
a daft person, daftie
chan eil (ach) cuimhne circe aig Calum
Calum is a real featherbrain (memory of a hen)
Tha cluas-chiùil mhath agad.
You have a good ear for music.
Tha thu a’ tarraing asam.
You’re kidding me.
Is math a thèid leat!
Good luck to you!
Tha an rèidio ro fhuaimneach.
The radio is too loud.
Tionndaidh sios an rèidio.
Turn down the radio.
Cuir air an solas.
Put (turn) on the light.
Cuir dheth an solas.
Put (turn) off the light.
- Gratitude
- Thanksgiving
- Acknowledgement of an achievement
Nach buidhe dhut?
Aren’t you lucky?
Nam biodh tu mo charaid ..
If you would be my friend ..
Nam bu tusa mo charaid ..
If you were my friend ..
nam biodh tu ‘nad charaid dhomh
If you would be in-your friend to me
Tha mi sgith dhe bhith …
I’m tired of …
Tha mi sgith dhe fulaing ri sin
I’m tired of suffering with that
Tha mi deiseil le sin
I’m done/ready with that.
Fhuair mi mo làn dheth
I got my fill of it
Tha mo leòr agam dheth
I have had my enough of that
Fhuair mi mo leòr is ri sheachnadh
I had my enough and to spare (to avoid)
Seall an gioban a tha a-nall thugainn!
look at the ragged person coming in! (Look what the cat dragged in)
Thachair gun do mhothaich mi e
I happened to notice it
Thachair gun d’ thainig e fo m’ aire
It happened to come under my attention
Ghlac mi ‘san adhair e
I caught it in the air
Ghlac mi e air a dhol seachad
I caught it going past
Ghlac mi air ‘nam dhol seachad
I caught it in my going past
Chuir e fodha mi
It put me under
Tha sin cus
that’s too much
Chuir sin cus orm
That put too much on me
cualag a’ ghille leisg
the load of a lazy lad
- Little burden
- Little task
Bhithinn leth choma
I wouldn’t mind
bhithinn coma ged a dhèanadh tu sin
I wouldn’t mind if you did that
cha chuireadh sin dragh orm
that wouldn’t bother me
tha mi deònach
i’m willing
Chan e rud mòr a th’ann
It’s not a big thing
is suarach an rud e
It’s paltry the thing
Chan eil dad a th’ ann
It’s nothing ( it’s not a thing that is in it)
O, nach mòr sin?
O, isn’t that big?
dha rìreabh?
Cha bhiodh tu ‘ga ionndrainn
You wouldn’t miss it.
Chan fhairich thu bhuat e
You won’t feel it away from you (you won’t miss it)
Dè tha bhuat?
What is from-you? (What are you lacking?)
Feuch a bheil iad fhathast ann
try (check) if they are still in
thalla is seall a bheil iad ann fhathast
Go and look are they in yet
dèan cinnteach gu bheil iad ann
Do/Make certain are they in
Deàn cinnteach gu bheil iad fhathast ann
Do/Make certain that they are still in
Feuch gu bheil iad fhathast ann
Try (check) that they are still in
Bheir mi leth fhacal dhut
I will give you half a word (ie, a hint)
Cha toir mi fiù ‘s leth fhacal dhut
i won’t even give you a hint
cha d’ thug e fiù ‘s leth-fhacal dhomh
He didn’t even give me a hint
Abair gu bheil sin fìor!
Say that that is true!
Is tusa a tha ceart.
It’s you that are correct.
Sin an fhirinn a th’agad.
You have the truth of it.
Bhuail thu air cnag na cùise.
You hit on the knob of the matter.
Tha thu a’ leum a-steach ann!
You are leaping right in!
Cuir do cheann is do chasan ann!
Put your head and your feet in! (go whole hog)
a’ maoidheadh rudeigin orm
at threatening something on-me
Chuir sin nam cheann e
That put it into my head (brought it home to me)
Chuir sin ‘nam chridh’ e.
that put it into my heart
ghluais sin mo chridhe
that moved my heart
bhuail sin air mo chridhe
that struck my heart
bhuail sin gu cruaidh air mo chridhe
that struck cruelly on my heart
Thig a-steach is bi cofhurtail
Come in and be comfortable
Cuir suas do chasan
put your feet up
Dèan thu fhèin aig an taigh
make yourself at home
Nach eil thu fortunach?
Aren’t you lucky?
Mac a’ bhanntraich
The widow’s son
An ceann ùine
After a while
Air mo dhòigh!
I am “on top of the world!”
Air mo dhòigh glan!
I am “over the moon!”
Dè mar a bhiodh e?
How would it be?
An eadar-àma
Tha cead do choise agad.
“You have the permission of your feet” (Free to go)
Chan fheum thu …”
“You don’t need …”
Dé th’ aca ort?
What do you owe them? (What do they have on you?)
Chan eil dad aca orm.
I don’t owe them anything. (They don’t have anything on me.)
Bha mi fo ‘n bheachd …
I was under the impression ….
Bha mi fo ‘n bharail …
I was under the impression ….
Shaoil leam …
Supposed with-me (I thought ….)
Bidh an rud thugad a nis!
You’re in for it now!
Fuirich thusa !
You (just) wait!
Bidh e romhad an dràsda!
It’s coming before you now!
Cuir romhad
make up your mind/decide
Falbh romhad
go about your own business
Labhair romhad!
gabh romhad le sin
Go ahead with that.
‘S e an rud a tha romham …
What I intend is ….
Fiath is fàilte romhad!
Invitation and welcome before-you!
Tha aran sàbhailte aca.
They have safe bread (i.e. a good income)
Tha tighinn a-steach math aca.
They have a good income
Tha teachd a-steach math aca
They have a good income
Tha cosnadh math aca.
They have good employment.
Thug thu siud bho…
You inherited that from… (Physical or character trait )
Fhuair thu siud bho…
You inherited that from… (Physical or character trait )
Bu dual dhut sin bho …
You inherited that from… (Physical or character trait )
it’s what you inherit from your ancestors and what you owe them
bu dual dha sin
that was his birthright
am bun is bàrr air a’ chùis
The ins and outs of the matter (base and tips)
bun is bàrr
root and branch
na criomagan de ‘n chùis
The details of the matter
“Crumbs” / the tiny little details
a’ cur tàthag air leòn
adding insult to injury
Tàthag shuarach
cheap (worthless) insult
tilg tàthagan air càch a chèile!
Throw insults at each other!
Air a h-uile rùn
“For all intents and purposes”
a mystery/secret
thug thu mo char is mo leth-char asam!
You took a twist and a half out of me! (i.e. cheated me)
Chuir mi aithne a’ chéile orra.
I introduced them to each other.
Chuir mi eòlach air a’ chéile iad.
I introduced them to each other.
Cuir an aithne air! -
Get to know him!
faigh eòlas air!
Get to know him!
Cha mhór nach deach mi á cochall mo chridhe.
I almost went out of the husk of my heart. (i.e. jumped out of my skin)
Chuir sin á cochall mo chridhe mi
That scared me half to death
Na leig le dad a chur ort.
Don’t let it get to you.
cho fad ’s a tha fios agam
as far as I know
cho fad ‘s a’s aithne dhomh
as far as I know
leth-thaobh na sgeulachd
one side of the story
Fìor mhullach na deuchainn
the true summit of the trial/test
Ghabh e ceum ro fhada.
He took a step too far.
Sin ceum ro fhada
That’s a step too far
gu toirt thairis
about to give over (on your last legs)
luath no mall
Sooner or later
luath no slaodach
Sooner or later
moladh gun dùrachd
“praise without sincerity” (Left-handed compliment)
Mo làmhsa dhut.
I assure you
Tha cus dhubhlan agad ri dhèanamh
Too many challenges to do (Bit off more than you can chew)
Is motha do shùil na do bheul.
Your eyes are bigger than your mouth
Chan e ach mise a ‘s coireach
There’s none but myself to blame
Chan eil agam ach mi fhìn a choireachadh
I only have myself to blame
Today …
Yesterday …
Day before yesterday.
An-diugh …
An-dè …
a’ bhòn-dè
Last year
This year
a’ bhòn-uiridh
The Year before last
le mo shaor thoil fhéin
of my own free will
gun tròcair
without mercy
Canaidh sinn ceann na h-oidhche ris.
We will call that a night
Cuir ceann air an oidhche
call it a night
cuir am meud
put the measure (exaggerate)
cuir ris an fhìrinn
add to the truth (exaggerate)
ri ròpaireachd
cuir ceum leis
put a step with-it (exaggerate)
tha ceum leatha innte
she’s inclined to exaggerate
gun chleas
without a trick
Thoir am follais
Make visible
anns an aon choire teth
In the same hot kettle (In the same boat)
‘san dearbh shuidheachadh
in the same situation
air na barrachan
- in the top branches/high and dry (fig.)
tioram tràighte
dry on the beach
thig á plum
come out of nowhere
mar chloich ás an adhar
like a stone from the air
saighead sonn
faery arrow
cùis spàirne
A cause of strain (bone of contention)
bonn connspaid
base of controversy (bone of contention)
object of ridicule
object of pity
a’ dol air ais air d’ fhaclan
going back on your words
gealltanas math ‘s droch-phàigheadh
a good promise with bad payment
anail àileadh glan
a breath of fresh air
rudeigin ùrachail
something refreshing
Tha mi ‘g iarraidh cuspair a thogail
I want to raise a topic
Có thog an cuspair seo co-dhiù?
who raised this topic anyhow?
thoir cuspair an àirde
bring up a topic
Tha mi airson cuspair a thoirt an àirde.
i want to bring up a topic
Chan urrainn dhomh thoirt orm-fhìn sin a dheànamh
I can’t bring myself to do that
Chan urrainn dhomh mi fhìn a thoirt gu leum
I can’t bring myself to jump
Chan urrainn dhomh mi fhìn a thoirt gu bruidhinn
I can’t bring myself to speak
A’ brabhsadh air an eadar-lìon
browsing on the internet
thoir ruith air na leabhraichean
give running on the books (look through … )
tha mi dìreach a’ sealltainn
I’m just looking
chan eil mi ach a’ sealltainn
all i’m doing is looking
- Flexible
- Supple
nead na starraiche
Starling’s nest (crow’s nest on a ship)
Mocais 1.
- mocassin
cho sùbailte ri feòraig
As spry as a squirrel
a’ falbh gun tilleadh
leaving without returning
leig fiodh na drochaid falbh leis an t-sruth
let the wood of the bridge go away with the stream
a-muigh air uireas
out on an errand
cuir air teachdaireachd
put on an errand (message)
a’ dol air cheann gnothaich
going on business (doing an errand)
a’ dèanamh nan gnothaichean
doing the businesses (doing errands)
Chan eil gnothaich agad ri
It’s none of your business
Chan e do ghnothach a th’ ann!
It’s none of your business.
Bi dìreach ‘nad chainnt.
Be direct in your speech.
A-steach air an dàrna cluais agus a-mach air a’ chluais eile.
In one ear and out the other.
Ghabh iad a’ ghaoth dhaibh fhèin.
They took the wind to themselves (they flew away)
With her
Cnòthan is crainn
Nuts and bolts
Fear an taighe
Man of the house / master of ceremonies
A chiad sgeulachd air fear an taighe!
The first story from the host
Cianail toilichte
Awfully happy