Pioneers Flashcards
What is manifest destiny?
The idea that it was Gods will that white Americans should settle over the entirety of America
What is The Oregon trail?
A 3000km long trail used by those who wanted to reach California from Missouri
What is a Pioneer?
The first explorers
What is a Prospector?
People looking for gold
Who practised polygamy?
The Mormons and native Americans
Who were the 49ers?
The people who travelled west in 1849 after the discovery of gold in 1848 to get rich quick
What was a miners court?
Miners who set up their own court to settle disputes over claims
What are Vigilantes?
Ordinary citizens that decide to take the law into their own hands and punish law breakers usually by lynching
What happened in 1849?
California gold rush
What was claim jumping?
A person claiming land which gold was found on even though another person owned it, this often resulted in violence and murder
What were four problems with water shortages?
Difficult for people to keep clean, hydrated, clothes clean and crops watered.
What was used for fuel when wood was not available to burn?
Buffalo or cow chips (dried dung)
What were the weather extremes?
Exceedingly cold in winter and extremely hot in summer
Why did people get diseases easily?
They lived in sod houses (mud houses) which were hard to keep clean and harboured pests such as mice and fleas
What is a sheriff?
Individuals responsible for keeping the law in counties